Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I discovered this fun little Karaoke site called SingSnap today (referred to me by a friend). So . . . I decided to test it out. It's kinda fun, and if you like karaoke, I'd recommend it. My only complaint is that - to me - it doesn't really sound like my voice. Does anyone else notice that? It sounds like I'm singing through my nose or something . . .
 I'll add a partial recording so you can see what I'm talking about. :) Ignore the part where my voice catches. I didn't feel like re-recording.

(****Okay -- When I very first listened to that song, the part where my voice catches annoyed me, but I left it anyway. Now that I've already published this post and viewed it again, that part down-right amuses me! Does anyone else think it's hilarious? I'm not sure why it all of a sudden struck my "tickle bone". Anyway . . .)
This morning was super fun! (And I am being mildly sarcastic.) I woke up, did my usual morning workout routine, but then instead of grabbing a proper breakfast, I downed a glass of my Queens of Green Fiberwise and took my vitamins. About 15 mins later, I was SO nauseous. That's what I get for taking vitamins on an empty stomach. I kinda thought that the Fiberwise would be enough, but apparently it wasn't. Lesson learned. :)

Also . . . I'm gonna throw some pics on here, just for fun!


  1. OMG, I LOVED IT!! :) it does sound a little off in the recording, but I can still tell that it is you. I miss hearing your beautiful voice my friend! :)

  2. Ahhh...that is just beautiful!! :) <3 Becky
