Saturday, February 11, 2012

Raizer the Windshield Crack

I delivered another puppy to Ogden today . . . and this happened:

Now -- you might be thinking, "Oh, she hit a bird or a giant rock, or something." Nope. Here's the story: I was driving while my sister was taking a nap in the passenger's seat with her foot up resting on the dash. I admit that I was getting a little sleepy myself (not that that fact is relevant in any way to the story -- it's just a fact), when all of a sudden Hailee kicks her foot forward as if she were startled. In doing so . . . she caused that beauty to happen. The good news is -- It woke me up! (Hey! I guess that fact WAS somewhat relevant to the story!) ;)

Here's another shot of my new star on my window. (I think I'll name him Raizer. Raizer the Windshield Crack. Fair enough.)

See? He's actually pretty effing big! Gah! Oh well . . . such is life, I suppose. At least it makes for a decent story . . .

Here are a couple of pictures of something a little cuter. ;)

Isn't he cute? And see my white arm? It won't be so white in another two weeks! Whoot Whoot!

On a completely different note: Remember me talking about not being able to reach my friend that I "co-wrote" my SingleMingle story with? Well . . . I finally reached her. And she confessed something pretty terrible to me. Apparently, she set me up to take the fall for something . . . pretty awful . . . because she didn't think she could handle it. It's a long story -- and there could be some of you who know exactly who I'm talking about, so to save her any embarrassment, I won't go into details. All I'll say is: There are probably a few people out there who think I'm pretty twisted. Do I find it a little humorous? Kind of. Especially since I don't personally know any of these people. Except for the fact that my friend had access to my facebook page and brought another friend (maybe two?? I'm still a little confused about that part . . .) into it. (Turns out it was HER who sent out those strange emails -- for those of you who received them.) Interestingly enough, when I went to look at one of said friend's profile, she had deleted me! Haha. I think this is probably karma for a stunt I pulled of my own recently. Though -- what I was set up for is definitely worse. Curious??? ;) Too bad. I'm not sharing! Who knows . . . maybe someday you'll all hear about it. From the sounds of things . . . she did a VERY thorough job of framing me. I'm still trying to figure out WHY she did it (besides her excuse of not wanting to deal with the fall-out of it all). I thought we were better friends than that. For the record . . . if you read this, my friend . . . just know that I forgive you. All is fine. :)

Okay -- I need to go to bed. I'm pretty flippin' exhausted!


  1. Funny does your "friend" also have the exact same voice as you? You need some professional help.

  2. :) I think my point is proven. Very interesting . . .
