Thursday, September 13, 2012

All About Zac.

So, remember how I mentioned that I developed a celebrity crush on Zac Efron? Yeah . . . Wanna know how? No? Too bad. I'm telling you anyway.

It all started with me renting the movie The Lucky One. (I know what you're thinking and stop! It's premature. It's definitely not what you think.) As I was saying, I rented the movie The Lucky One and watched it at about . . . Ohhhh . . . 9 pm. (It was alright, btw. Not great. Not bad. Whatever.) The whole time I'm watching it I'm thinking, Wow. This movie is kinda cheesy, but I still kinda like it. And that guy is preeetttty. Then, after watching it, I worked on my book (editing a few chapters) and as I was working, I realized that my main character looks a lot like Zac Efron. This of course was completely NOT on purpose since I really didn't even know who Zac Efron was when I started the book.

Anywho, as I'm editing and tweaking and writing, I'm picturing my main character, Andy, as Zac Efron. And that's how I got my crush.

Still confused?

Someday you can read my book and you won't be. It'll allll make sense. ;)

Anyway, I have had a couple of very productive days. I'll go into that more tomorrow (or Saturday) (or whenever I feel like blogging next), but one of the things I did was watch the movie 17 Again. (Why? Ummm . . . Zac Efron movie, hello.) I've seen it before, but it's been awhile. As I was watching it this second or maybe third time, I remembered being impressed with Zac's acting the first time I watched it. He does a fabulous job of being a young Matthew Perry character. He even moves the way Matthew Perry characters move. So, this time around, I really paid attention to the movie and I realize that . . . I really like it. Is it a favorite? Meh. Maybe in the top 20.

I would like to take just a second and explain to you all that my "crush" isn't anything more than a relative interest, really. I'm not about to print out pictures of Zac Efron and paste them up all over my house. He won't even be my computer wallpaper. (Ooooh, maybe he should be my computer wallpaper -- he's so pretty!) Okay, MAYBE he'll be my wallpaper, but that's as far as it goes. I'm not even about to run out and purchase every Zac Efron movie. Which is impressive. I mean, if I was going to do something obsessive, that would be it. I already own over 800 dvds. What's 5 or 6 more?? So, to sum up this weird and awkwardly constructed paragraph: I'm not obsessed with Zac Efron. I just think he's pretty. And, let's face it . . . TALENTED! Have you seen the boy dance? And sing? And juggle? And do impressions? And act? And ski? And dance?? And sing??? . . .



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