Thursday, November 8, 2012

Too Much TV.

As you are all well aware . . . Obama won the election. Ugh.

But enough about that. I have a confession. Today I caved an made some gluten-free chocolate chip cookies. And they weren't that great. (Probably because my little sister talked me into adding peanut butter. Not a fan.) Anyway, despite the fact that they weren't that great, I ate not one . . . not two . . . not even three . . . but FOUR of them. Yikes. They aren't huge cookies, but they aren't super tiny, either. Needless to say, I had a pretty epic sugar buzz going on for a while. I think Levi took the brunt of it. I kept rubbing his head and commenting about how small his brain must be.

I really need to get some writing done. I haven't done any in more than a week. Yikes. And I have no real good reason for slacking. I've watched a bunch of movies. I can honestly say that I have watched more movies in the past month than I did in the entire past two years put together. Honest truth right there. Here's a list of some of the movies I've seen this month:

-Battleship (I thought it was okay. Might not watch it again for awhile, but I did like it.)
-Snow White and the Huntsman  (Liked it quite a bit.)
-The 3rd and 4th Underworld films (The 3rd is the best of all of them)
-Dark Shadows (I couldn't help myself . . . Love the cast . . . Loved the movie. Big Eva Green fan.)
-War Horse (Not really my favorite genre . . . so not my favorite, but still a good flick.)
-Jane Eyre (Loved!)
-What to Expect When You're Expecting (Cute show.)
-21 Jump Street (Meh . . .)
-Wrath of the Titans (Enjoyed it quite a bit.)

And I'm sure there may have been one or two more than that even. Tsk tsk . . . That's a LOT of tv. Too much. School starts in a little more than a week. I need to give up the tv and get back to reality!


"Top of the World" -Slightly Stoopid

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