Saturday, December 31, 2011

My New Years Wish For You

As this year comes to an end, I am forced - as most people are - to evaluate both my failures and my accomplishments of the previous 12 months. It makes me smile to realize that the latter prevails. Though my failures are very much present, my accomplishments far outdo them. I can confidently take pride in the things I have completed, overcome, and even instigated. I’ve kept many goals I started and there are those that I have yet to complete – but I am well on my way.

I recently read a blog in which the author describes his year’s accomplishments. I may not have danced in the rain in Italy, become a karaoke king in Mexico or even witnessed any amusing battles between two full-grown men over something as silly as a piece of string cheese, as he did, but I still have things I’m proud of. I got up the nerve to perform again – something I haven’t done in years. I produced drawings – though not the greatest, they are still my accomplishments. I came face-to-face with an old nemesis of sorts and realized that I’ve more than forgiven them – I love them. I’ve conquered seemingly unconquerable personal mountains. What used to be a world full of nothing to see but figurative steep, jagged rocks and the ugly, dark hues of discouragement and even death has transformed into something beautiful. Something full of color, magic and life – full of hope. Hope in spite of a difficult past because of the things it equipped me with, and hope for a glorious future.

May you all take a look at the year 2011 in your lives and feel pride and joy for the things you’ve accomplished and conquered. Whether it be surviving a divorce, losing a loved one, battling cancer – or something more positive such as giving birth to a child, finally reaching that goal weight or passing the bar exam, I hope you can take at least a few moments to truly reflect and feel gratitude towards yourself and those most dear to you who have helped mold you into the person you are tonight, preparing to greet 2012 with a brand new set of goals and dreams. And, yes . . . trials, too. But trials that will only encourage you to grow and transform to an even better version of you for the year 2013.

May you all have a safe and enjoyable evening full of friends, family and love.

Cheers. And Happy New Year.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

This is for you. :)

I had an amazing night last night. It was poetic, really. I once again got no sleep (last night was sort of a repeat of the night before that), but it was totally worth it. I had planned on sleeping in today, but it didn't work out that way. It's been very windy, and the sound of our trampoline (which, for some reason, is still set up in the yard -- or . . . was) banging up against the house next to my window woke me up and gave me a hardy dose of adrenaline. I've been wide awake since.
And a little shaky. Haha.

Anyway. I'm not thrilled about the weather we were having. All this heavy, heavy slush and horrific winds. Blah. I'm looking out my window now, though, and I think I see the sun! :) It couldn't come at a better time. My moods are so affected by the weather. I'm gloomy on gloomy days. It amazes me when people say rainy/snowy weather makes them happiest. Whaaa? How is that even possible??

I guess I'm going to attach this video. A certain someone requested that I do. It's just another random recording taken with my cell phone of me singing another random song. But, since you requested it, I'll post it. This is for you! ;)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My Christmas Story

Last night I got to hang out with a cute boy. It was a good time. :) Today I get to read and write. Two of my most FAVORITE things. :)

How was everyone's Christmas? Mine was great! My main gifts were a juicer and a Kindle with all it's accessories. I'm pretty stoked about it. :)

So, lately my mom has been really into doing puzzles. But not big puzzles. They can't have more than a few hundred pieces or else she gets overwhelmed and gives up. (She likes quick results, I guess - I am my mother's daughter). Every year my mom gets everyone at least one gift that benefits her - but in a funny way, not a selfish way. This year she hands my sisters and I each a little package and tells us to open them one at a time. My littlest sister goes first and we all giggle as she unwraps a 500 piece puzzle. My other sister unwraps hers next, and again it's a 500 piece puzzle. By now I obviously know what mine is, so before I open it I have her open the one my sister and I picked out for her. She picks it up, shakes it, laughs and opens it. It's a 1000 piece puzzle! Haha! She laughs hysterically and announces she hates it (it's too many pieces). :) Hilarious. Here's a picture of the puzzle I got. I completed it today.

Oh, bummer story, though: My sister got me the second book to the series I'm reading. (Here's THAT story: Hailee and I are walking through Barnes and Nobles in the Mall. She casually says: Hey, Cort . . . What's that book you've been reading, again? I say: Matched? She says: Oh, yeah. . . . . Doesn't that have a sequel? I cock my head and say: Haaaiillleeee . . . are you thinking about getting me Crossed for Christmas? She quickly gets defensive: Nooo! I was just curious.  . . . So . . . (she holds up a book), Is this the book? I say: Haha, yeah. She says: Nice.  . . . Okay, go away. So I say: Haaaiillleeee . . . are you thinking about getting me Crossed for Christmas? She says: NO! GO AWAY!)

And then I meet her in the checkout line as she's buying it. Back to the bummer story: I knew what it was and I was super excited about it. So excited, in fact, that when I opened it, I didn't notice I was ripping the jacket along with the wrapping paper. Gah! Balls! At first, Barnes and Nobles said they wouldn't exchange it, but (being my mother's daughter and all) I am VERY persuasive. I can get a new jacket. :)

And that's the story of my Christmas in a nutshell. It was a good year. :) And the part about hanging out with a cute boy was a good way to conclude my Holiday. Hopefully we can hang out again soon. ;)

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Amazing Dolls!

I wanted to show you all something pretty amazing that I recently discovered . . .

My brother - who is currently serving his mission in California - introduced me to this guy recently, and I am absolutely fascinated with his work! He has got some skills that I would give anything to possess. He repaints dolls to look like celebrities . . . and he does an incredible job! My favorite doll is of course the Damon Salvatore doll. ;)

But these dolls are pretty great, too! ;)

Gah! Aren't those incredible???

There are many, many more equally amazing dolls! Go and check them out! These dolls are even for sale . . . if you've got just a little bit of cash to throw down on something like this. ;)

Click here to visit Noel's webpage and see all of his amazing work!

Click here to visit his facebook page!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

It's been a good day so far. I've gotten to see two people that I haven't seen in quite a while and it's been nice. :) Dinner is in an hour or two and then it's time to open presents! Whoot!

By the way, I love all of you, but please quit bringing me goodies! All I've eaten today is junk food. And this is coming from someone who is always SUPER cautious about what she puts in her body. The treats are too yummy! I eat them! Gah!

I just want to wish you all a very safe and very Merry Christmas!


Thursday, December 22, 2011

More changes!

This blog has been more of a "public diary" for me than anything, so I decided it deserved a new name. I'm now calling it "It's all Relevant". I'll continue using this blog as an update on what's new with me, my book, and my business in general.

I've started a new "It's all a Bunch of Nonsense" blog where I will post things that really are nonsense. Here, see for yourself. Click Here. That'll take you to the new blog.

As always, thanks for reading and supporting me!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Queens of Green Success Story

I am SO glad that I joined Queens of Green. I don't know why I didn't do it sooner. It's already turning out to be a major blessing and I've only been a part of it for a couple of weeks. Best. Decision. Ever. Not only do I love the product and think it works A.Maz.Ing! -- but I get to make some cash on the side. And it pays well. I'm not rolling in the cake just yet, but give me a couple more weeks. ;) And congratulations to those who have signed up with me! I'm excited for our journey together! Especially to my good friend (you know who you are) who just joined yesterday!

Here's a little success story (and it is "little", but I still count it as an epic win).

My sister has been battling with chapped skin and lips for a few weeks now. She's tried EVERYTHING. She had just spent a bunch of money on different lip products -- including Blistex -- and nothing was helping. Yesterday morning, she wandered into my room and noticed my amazing chapstick (one of my Queens of Green products) sitting by my bed. She asked if she could have one of the sticks (I have multiple because I give them out as samples). I told her that she could of COURSE have one.

So . . . she took it and immediately put it on. Later that day, as we were driving home from Driggs together she made the following comment:

-- "That chapstick you gave me is amazing. I applied it once this morning and my lips are already at least 50% better than they were this morning. I was actually beginning to wonder if chapstick just dried your lips out more because all that other stuff seemed to make it worse, but this is really helping. Thank-you."

Don't believe me? Ask her!

And that’s just the chapstick! You should try the lotion or any of the cleaning products!

I’m serious, people! I have so much faith in this product. And I’ll send you a free sample just for asking me about it! I don’t sell anything, so don’t be expecting me to push anything on you. It doesn’t work like that. I simply want to share this product because I love it so much. So email me and get a free sample! You have nothing to lose . . . and SO much to gain!

Just some thoughts . . .

I can't believe Christmas is Saturday (for my family, anyway). That's crazy. I've been pretty excited about it, but I've been even MORE excited since I learned that my sister got me the second book to the series I've been reading. Gah! I can't wait to read it!

Okay . . . Confession: I haven't worked on my book all week. :-/ I've totally been slacking. It's time to get on the ball. I decided to re-arrange some stuff, but then I got pulled away from my writing to help out with Subway and it threw me all off. I've got everything all out of order and I haven't felt like staring at the computer screen for an hour or more to get it all straightened out. I need to. In fact -- I'm going to as soon as I publish this post. Time to get that baby finished and to a publisher! ;)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Subway's Re-opening Special:

Good news, all! Subway Driggs will be re-opening Wednesday, Dec. 21st! And they are doing a special promotion all week long! Come in between the hours of 11 and 2 p.m. and get a free meal with your purchase! This means you get a free bag of chips, 2 cookies, or a bag of apples and a 21 oz. drink for free

just for coming in and buying a sandwich!

Spread the word around town and come check out our “new store”! Join us for breakfast, lunch and dinner!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Puppies are here!

I have four new little ones at my house! And they are Super cute! Remi had her puppies today! 2 boys and 2 girls.

All puppies are black/tan or black/rust

Tails will be docked and dew claws will be removed

AKC registered

Will most likely weigh under 10 lbs full grown (most weigh around 6 lbs)

I’m accepting $50 non-refundable deposits starting immediately, so if you are interested, get in touch with me asap. Four puppies will sell quickly!

Remi just before delivering.

She likes to bury herself in the blankets.

The first pup!

The whole family!

I can ship to anywhere in the US for the cost of shipping. Please email me if you are interested.

Click here to visit my "Dog Blog" for more info on mom, dad and past pups!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas Traditions

Wow. It's been a busy couple of days!

Christmas is right around the corner. In my family we celebrate on Christmas Eve. It's a tradition I fully intend to continue with my family someday. How it all works is: We all dress up the evening of Christmas Eve (when we were little we used to wear dresses my grandmother had made for us - fun times). Then, around 7 p.m. Santa comes and we all take a turn sitting on his lap and getting our stockings. After Santa leaves, we open our presents.

I remember when my grandparents used to live up at the ranch and all of the cousins would come to their house. We'd all play games and eat candy off of the candy tree (a little tin-foil Christmas tree that was decorated with candy bars and homemade goodies) while we waited for Santa to arrive. Then, sure enough, he'd show up ringing his bells and "ho ho ho-ing" and all of the kids would squeal and shout hello's. Then we'd all wait our turn to sit on his lap and receive our stockings - daring each other to pull on his beard. (As I recall - no one ever got up enough nerve to do it.)

Then, after we had all received our stockings and Santa had said good-bye, we'd all race upstairs to our separate sections of my grandparent's giant living room and open our presents. Once all presents were open, we'd all get together amongst our age groups and show off/play with our new toys.

Christmas Day was spent playing with our toys and sledding down the hill (for those of you who know where my grandparents used to live, you know what I'm talking about. For those of you who don't, their old property is now the Quickwater Girls Ranch on your way to Jackson, Wy.)

Those are some of my fondest memories. Things were simple then. Definitely nothing like they are now.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Time for a GIVEAWAY!

It's time to do my first giveaway!

Keep in mind that I'll be doing giveaways every couple of weeks for the next few months so check back from time-to-time to see what's available.

Future giveaways include: The entire Hunger Games series in hardback, Queens of Green product, iTunes gift cards, and even an iPod shuffle! Plus more!

Today's giveaway is:

The A-Team on DVD

I LOVE this movie! If you haven’t seen it or aren’t sure what it’s about click here for some info on it. :)


How do you win?

That’s easy!

Simply follow any one of my blogs for an automatic 5 entries.

(I have four blogs . . . that’s a potential twenty entries right there!)

Like my facebook page for an automatic 2 entries.

Spread the word about my blog! Blog about it on your blog with a link back to this post or link this post to your preferred social media page for an automatic 3 entries!

Then have your friends comment on this post saying it was you who referred them and earn an additional 10 entries!

Don’t forget to comment on this blog post for each entry you earned.


I “like” your facebook page (leave your email address)

I follow your blogs (list the blogs you follow and leave your email address)

Any comments I have on previous posts will automatically give you one entry.

Anyone in the United States can win! I can ship this item, so make sure and spread the word and get your entries in!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Strange, 1 a.m. text.

So last night at 1:30 a.m. I got a random text message. I was a little annoyed that someone would text so late, so I messed with them a bit, but - as you'll see - it took a really weird turn . . .

Unknown Texter:
Hey girl! OMG I am SO excited for tomorrow! Are you?

Sleepy, annoyed me:
Umm . . . not if I don't get enough sleep.

lol. Don't pretend like you weren't awake! I know you! You're probably drunk!

Actually, my supply ran out. And rubbing alcohol just doesn't have the same effect.

OMG, Megan. You'd better not be sipping rubbing alcohol again!

(what?? again???)
Would you rather I sip on anti-freeze?

That's not even funny. Do you never learn your lessons? Don't sip ANYTHING! Unless it's Vodka. ;)

Okay . . . when did I EVER sip on rubbing alcohol or anti-freeze?

Seriously, Megan? Did the stuff fry your brain or are you trying to be cute.

Oh, I'm serious

Last summer, you dork! Anyway, how did things go with Jake? I'm peeing right now and then I'm going to call you and get the scoop.

That's okay, you don't need to call me. I can text it to you. It was a lot of fun. He held my hand and then we kissed.

(The girl tries to call me. I answer, but hang up right away.)

Megan, you had better answer your phone and talk to me about this. What do you mean you kissed? Are you joking? Because I'm not in the mood. You were supposed to get him to forgive me!


Oh? Did you really kiss him??? Wt-, Megan!

I'm sorry. He apparently loves me. As we were sitting there, alone . . . talking about love . . . we realized that we actually love each other. We'd like to get married in June. Please just give us your blessing.

I can't believe I trusted you b****! You are the worst friend ever!

Wait now -- before you go burning bridges with any of your friends -- you should check your numbers. Can I go back to sleep now?

OMG! This isn't Megan, is it! lol. Thank G**! I'm so sorry to have bothered you.

Please keep your friend away from rubbing alcohol and anti-freeze.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Queens of Green!

(Found under my "Queens of Green! tab)

Would you like to know how you can make money from home, shop wholesale for amazing, toxic-free products, and live a healthier life all through one amazing company?

By the age of twenty-five, I have already battled cancer three times, which is more than enough times for me. My health was never great, I suffered from fatigue and anxiety -- my stress levels were always through the roof.

It didn't take very many years of living like that for me to decide something had to change. I began searching for ways to be healthier. I shopped for healthier, organic foods, and I searched for healthier products.

Which is how I stumbled across Queens of Green.

I was familiar with the products from about 8 years earlier and always knew they were amazing products, but I had never really allowed myself to experience them. I was worried that they'd be too expensive (as most "healthy" products are), but much to my amazement (and pleasure) they are cheaper than shopping at Walmart or Target! Especially if you completely switch from the harmful, toxic products you purchase from those big corporate stores, and switch to these safe, less expensive, and far superior products!

All of these products are all-natural, using no harsh chemicals. Safety caps aren't even required--they're THAT SAFE! I'm not kidding when I say that they are superior to all other products I've ever used in the past, not to mention a billion times healthier!

What products do they offer? Nearly everything you could ever need!
Laundry detergent
Dish detergent
Household cleaning products (A.MAZ.ING ones)
An amazing hair care line (I have three feet of hair - no exaggeration. I'm not going to trust my hair to just any product. Take it from me-- this line is great!)
Cosmetics (you'll die when you try this mascara -- it's excellent!)
Toothpaste (If you try nothing else . . . try this toothpaste!)
Incredible lotion
My favorite soaps in the world
Acne fighting face wash!
And much, much more!

There are also amazing health and diet foods available! Ask me about them!

So how can products so superior in health benefits and basic effect to the big, name brand grocery products still manage to be cheaper?

Ask me about Queens of Green! I'm happy to explain and share my knowledge (and health) with you! In fact, I'll send you a free sample of the best lotion you'll ever find just for asking me about it and letting me answer your questions!

You can also find me on facebook!

For those of you with little girls . . .

Miriam, I'm thinking of YOU! You all need to check out this giveaway because it's SUPER cute! Click Here to see what I'm talking about and learn how you could win!

For those of you who don't have little girls, (or do--either way) and are curious about Queens of Green and the amazing products we use, Check out this giveaway! You could win one of these amazing products for yourself. Once you use them, you'll be as sold as I am! Guaranteed!

I Had A Dream . . .

Last night I had a dream about my ex-husband. I haven't dreamt about him in a VERY long time. It was one of those dreams where everything is really great and perfect . . . and I woke up still feeling that way. In other words, I woke up this morning thinking: "Gah! Why did I get divorced? I'm still so in love with him!"

But that's not really case. I don't hate him or anything, and I probably do still love him on a level, but as my memories of what our marriage was really like comes back, I remember why I'm divorced.

Still . . . I like to hold on to the feelings from that dream. It was really . . . nice. It was a little too intimate to share publicly (not in THAT way, guys), so I won't share the details. Sorry.

On a completely different note: I read an article last night about at eighteen year old boy who joined a bank because his mom wanted to teach him about financial responsibility. At one point, his account got down to $4.90, so the bank charged him a $10.00 maintenance fee. WTH? It bounced his account and then they charged him continual overdraft fees until his mom finally forked over nearly $200 to close the account

Click here to read the actual article

This annoyed me on a personal level because Key Bank did something horribly similar to me! Hence the reason I strictly refer to it as "Fee Bank".

I love the bank I'm with now. Idaho Central Credit Union.

Best. Bank. Ever.

No ridiculous fees or hidden charges, no maintenance fees. Only excellent service and superior customer service. In every branch they remember my name, USE my name, and smile. They ask about my day/week/life (but not in an annoying/invasion of privacy way) and I LOVE walking into my bank. I'd recommend switching over!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Newest Member of the Queens of Green!

Today I joined the Queens of Green team, and I'm super excited about it! I look forward to the day when I can post a blog similar to this one. Thanks Sheena and Kathy for introducing me to Queens of Green and welcoming me to your team!

Queens of Green gives me the opportunity to work from home, shop wholesale and use safe, non-toxic household products all while saving money! (It gets even better than that!)
If any of my readers would like to know more, please email me (, facebook me (feel free to visit my facebook page), or simply leave me a comment.

Feel free to also check out the Queens of Green facebook page and "like" it. :)

Please email me with any questions you have! I'd love to visit you with a fellow member of my new team!

Make sure to mention that you found us on my blog!

More Christmas Photos

I'm still doing Christmas photos if more of you are interested. You can either request me on facebook or email me a copy of the pic you'd like done. I don't charge anything--I do it because I have fun doing it!

Here are a few more examples: (Thanks to those of you who have let me use your photos on my blog)

Here are some before and after shots for comparison:

Fun, huh! And those are some beautiful ladies!

Monday, December 12, 2011

How To Annoy Your Sister

What is it about irritating family members that is so darn amusing? Not in a bad way. Like this for example: My sister has a new fb account and I friend requested her. She added me. Her profile update said:

Just barely let rouger in his kennel to go to bed and he is already snoring!!!!! Lol

(That's exactly what it said -- copy and paste)  ;)

Anyway, I learned from earlier that if I comment on her status, her phone goes off. So I had a little fun and left these comments:

Cortney Durbin When I comment on your crap, I hear your phone go off.

Cortney Durbin It amuses me.

Cortney Durbin Because you are trying to sleep.

Cortney Durbin Now I hear you laughing.

Cortney Durbin No. I will not.

Cortney Durbin You know it's funny . . . .

Cortney Durbin Are you happy you added me?

Cortney Durbin Because I totally am.

Hailee Durbin No stop it!!!!!

Cortney Durbin This is the most fun I've had ALL DAY.

Cortney Durbin Just think of it like I'm texting you. Same diff. Only . . . More public.

Cortney Durbin I almost typed "pubic", but I changed it. Good call.

Cortney Durbin Sooo . . . .

Cortney Durbin What's up?

Hailee Durbin Stop!!!! I'll block u from my fb!!!!

Cortney Durbin It's like I'm the worlds fastest texter.

Cortney Durbin No! Okay . . . I'll stop.

Cortney Durbin ish.

Cortney Durbin ‎(Ugh. I'm so bored!) Wanna watch a movie?

Cortney Durbin Wanna have a party at my house?

Ahh, so funny. There are those of you that will judge. And so be it, because there are more of you who will totally get how funny that is!