Tuesday, December 6, 2011

For all of my closest and dearest friends . . .

Tonight - as I lay awake unable to sleep yet again - I was thinking about a whole bunch of random things. And one of the things I thought about was how certain things we do can lead to other, completely random things - certain events lead to other events that are completely unexpected.

For instance:

My ex-husband used to be obsessed with video games - to the point that it was a real problem in our relationship. It got to the point where I learned to love video games just so we'd have something to do "together". (This isn't a knock on him - he's a good guy. And I know plenty of men with gaming addictions.) One day he started playing this game called "Seafight". It's this crazy, free online game. Anyway, that game was one of those that you play with other people, and you can chat and stuff. My ex had me start playing the game with him, and in doing so, I met my friend David. (Hi, David!) David and I talked while I was going through my divorce and I admit that he was a great comfort to me. (So, thanks for that.) :)

Anyway, David used to date this woman named Becky and, shortly after David and I started talking, they started dating again. And through him, I met Becky - who is now one of my most very best friends in the whole world! (Hi, Becky!)

The whole point of all of this is that - through one of those video games that I loathed because of how much time it stole from my marriage, I met Becky. And it was in such an indirect way that it's kinda crazy. I don't think I could go a single day without chatting with her because we have so stinkin' much in common. We both went through divorces at the same time - we both seem to be dating guys (with the same first initials a lot of the time) at the same time, and we are just in very similar places in our life. It's crazy to think that if it weren't for that silly Seafight game, I never would have met her. I'm very glad I did. She's like a sister to me.

I also count myself very blessed to have been so close with so many of my friends - even if we haven't always stayed super close. Especially:

Miriam R.
Becky H.
Hailee D.
Aubrey D.
Tasheena B.
(I do consider all of the above to be my sisters - two of them really are) ;)
The Mattsons (the whole crew!)
Daniel P.
David R.
Derik W.
Katie W.
Jessica F.
Jessica S.
Alexie H.
Krystal S.
Melissa M.
Destiny L.
Cheryl H.
Liz M.
Kira W.

 . . . and that doesn't even touch any of my cousins who I'm also very close with (special shout-outs to Ally, Jake, and Melissa.)

Those are all the people who I've been the closest with in my life at some point or another and they will always be very dear to me. Thank-you for you friendship guys!

"What is a friend? A single soul in two bodies." - Aristotle

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