Monday, December 12, 2011

How To Annoy Your Sister

What is it about irritating family members that is so darn amusing? Not in a bad way. Like this for example: My sister has a new fb account and I friend requested her. She added me. Her profile update said:

Just barely let rouger in his kennel to go to bed and he is already snoring!!!!! Lol

(That's exactly what it said -- copy and paste)  ;)

Anyway, I learned from earlier that if I comment on her status, her phone goes off. So I had a little fun and left these comments:

Cortney Durbin When I comment on your crap, I hear your phone go off.

Cortney Durbin It amuses me.

Cortney Durbin Because you are trying to sleep.

Cortney Durbin Now I hear you laughing.

Cortney Durbin No. I will not.

Cortney Durbin You know it's funny . . . .

Cortney Durbin Are you happy you added me?

Cortney Durbin Because I totally am.

Hailee Durbin No stop it!!!!!

Cortney Durbin This is the most fun I've had ALL DAY.

Cortney Durbin Just think of it like I'm texting you. Same diff. Only . . . More public.

Cortney Durbin I almost typed "pubic", but I changed it. Good call.

Cortney Durbin Sooo . . . .

Cortney Durbin What's up?

Hailee Durbin Stop!!!! I'll block u from my fb!!!!

Cortney Durbin It's like I'm the worlds fastest texter.

Cortney Durbin No! Okay . . . I'll stop.

Cortney Durbin ish.

Cortney Durbin ‎(Ugh. I'm so bored!) Wanna watch a movie?

Cortney Durbin Wanna have a party at my house?

Ahh, so funny. There are those of you that will judge. And so be it, because there are more of you who will totally get how funny that is!

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