Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fall . . . And Other Random Thoughts.

I love Fall. Even though it's the season that leads to 8 months (or more) of ice and sub-zero temperatures, I still love it. It's so beautiful! There is nothing better than the snow-capped mountains in the background and fall-colored hills in the foreground. I feel really blessed to have grown up in this beautiful valley. Here is a random picture I took (with a cellphone . . . from a boat - so don't judge it too harshly). It was taken at Palisades Lake. I love, love, LOVE the colors!

Unfortunately, that will all be covered by snow soon. *sigh*. Snow isn't THAT bad. It's just the cold and ice that I can't bring myself to love. But . . . I suppose many people feel that way.

Speaking of snow, I really think I need to hit Targhee this year. It's been years, and I mean YEARS, since I've been skiing/snowboarding. (Can't lie . . . I prefer skiing.) I even worked at Targhee right before I got married and I didn't ski one single time. I could have . . . for free . . . but I didn't. Ugh. Hopefully this year I can find the time (and money) to get up there! Now all I need is someone to go with me. Who's in?!

Speaking of being married . . . (this is totally random, but) the other day I totally missed being married - which is odd since I can't really remember what it was like being married. Something about the change in the weather sparked some vague emotional memory, and it made me miss cooking dinner for my husband. (Which is also odd since cooking isn't really something I typically enjoy. I guess that comes from spending so long eating as a "raw vegan".) It's crazy to think that I haven't heard from my ex-husband in over a year. I don't think about it that often, if I'm being honest, but every once in awhile (like right now) I do wonder how he is. I really hope that he's well and happy. That only seems fair since I am both of those things now.

Well, this post started as one thing and ended as something totally different. That's the way it goes, I suppose. OH! Psych is on! I'm out! (PS, if you have never watched Psych . . . you need to fix that asap. James Roday? Yeah . . . so cute!)


  1. Wait, what, you were married??? I missed that somewhere lol

  2. True that! I LOVE James Roday and Dule Hill!!!!! Go Psych!

    I think changing of the seasons always bring a little twinge of nostalgia especially fall, the start of all the "family" holidays.
    Glad you are well and happy though!
