Monday, October 24, 2011

Reality Check.

Today, while I was making a sandwhich for some random guy, I had a sudden reality check. It hit me that I am 26 years old. That's crazy. Where did the last nine years of my life go? Seriously. It's like, I have so few memories of any of the years since my thyroid cancer. I swear I stopped at age 17 and everything else just went on around me . . . if that makes sense. It also hit me that I've really accomplished "nothing". Sure . . . I've battled and beat cancer three times, been married (and divorced) and all that . . . but I've yet to accomplish the things in my life that most people have accomplished by the time they are my age. Most of my friends are having their second or even third child by now. I of course have no children. A lot of my friends are graduated from College and working careers that they love. I "took a short break" from college to get married to a guy in the military. I always thought I'd go back after a year off, but then I got so sick and never did. It's really kind of frightening when I really think about it. So far I've been cool with just sitting back and seeing where things go. I haven't been too concerned with dating or marriage - in fact, I've kind of avoided that whole scene. (I've only dated 4 guys since my divorce which was 19 months ago . . .). Maybe it's time to get serious . . . ?

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't worry so much about getting serious, it's not all about posterity and marriage, sometimes the best parts of life are just the memories we make andnthe way we live. Accomplishments are different to everyone. Some people may have a big family but feel like they have done nothing, it's all about perspective.

    And battling cancer, surviving marriage and divorce and being happy right now are HUGE accomplishments! Never let anyone tell you different!
