Thursday, November 10, 2011

Road Rage.

I don't suffer from road rage. I'm a very calm and rational driver. Usually. There are only two things that a fellow driver can do that will down-right infuriate me - every time.

The first is when someone hurries to pull out in front of me (even if I'm the only car coming for miles), but then travels LESS than the speed limit. Oh. My. Gosh. Soooo annoying.

The second (which happened to me today) is when someone goes 10 miles or less under the speed limit, but won't let you pass. For example: The guy I was following today was doing 45 in a 55 and showed no signs of intending to speed up - until I was free to pass him. I turned on my blinker, pulled out into the other lane and hit the gas. Annnd so did he. Before long I was going nearly 80 trying to get around him. I probably should have just backed off and let him stay in front of me, but I was SO PISSED! What an @$$ hole! Once I finally did get around him, I pulled an equally jerk move and slowed down to exactly 53. He rode my tail for about 2 miles before he finally gave up and backed off. Then I sped up a little. Ugh. Some people!

I was driving to Driggs to take my sister some pants because she had torn a hole in the inner thigh area of the ones she was wearing. Shortly after the A-Hole driver turned off the road I got this text from Aubrey:

You almost here?



                             I'm passing the drive-in.

Okay. I'm almost out of class.

                             Okay. I'm just pulling into Driggs.

Otay. :p





                             By Kwik way.






Oooooooooooookkkkkkkkaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy. Okay!

                            Okay. I'm here.

Okay. I'm coming.

                            Oh oh oh okay.

Then she calls me:

Hey, where are you?

                            In a handicapped parking spot.

Oh. You're in the Freshman parking lot?

                            Yeah. Where did you want me to be?

No, that's fine. I just thought you'd be out front.

                             Do you want me to be out front?

No. There's buses there.


Oh, remember how I was all excited to have my computer back yesterday? Yeah  . . . five minutes after I plugged it back in and started messing around on it, this happens:
The screen freezes up, then my cursor disappears, then the screen goes black. It takes a few seconds, the picture comes back and this message appears : Display driver AMD driver stopped responding and has recovered.

GRRRRRRR!!!!!! Seriously??? Gah!

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