Saturday, November 26, 2011

Today's Adventure.

Today was an adventure. My mother, sisters, Janelle, Sophie and I all decided to have a girls day out and sneak away to Idaho Falls to watch Breaking Dawn. Since there were six of us going, we decided to take my car because it's roomier than my mother's Cadillac. When Sophie and Janelle first showed up, Sophie was complaining about being cold because she hadn't brought a coat. Janelle told her she was crazy saying, "What would you do if we broke down?" Ultimately, Aubrey lent her a coat.

Since my vehicle was running low on gas, my mother stopped and put a few dollars in it figuring we could fill up once out in Idaho Falls since gas prices are cheaper out there. Janelle made the comment, "Watch - We'll run out of gas 5 minutes before we get to the theater."

Then we hit the road. The roads were icy for the first few miles, but dry after that. Anyway, once we hit Idaho Falls, we were driving down 45th East (or whatever that road is) aaaaannnnddd the car dies. It just stops dead at a stop sign. FIVE MINUTES BEFORE WE WERE TO THE THEATER! We all "yell" at Janelle and tell her to stop saying negative things since both of her comments came true (what are the odds?). The dude in the truck behind us helps us push it out of the way, and we call my uncle for help. He says he will help us asap, but that it's going to take a few minutes, so we have to wait. Aubrey and Sophie do a dance on the side of the road for entertainment until my uncle shows up with a gas can. My mom and I put the gas in the car -- and it still doesn't start.

(Us on the side of the road - sun in our eyes, waiting for our help to arrive. Hilarious picture!)

It's never fun when your car has issues, but it's even LESS fun when you just forked over $399 to have it's issues fixed. Gah! What is it with my stuff? I pay all this money and it STILL doesn't work? It turns out that my fuel pump is probably shot.

Anyway, we call my dad to have him come from Victor to pick us up and in the meantime my uncle says he'll drive us to the theater. So . . . we all cram into his truck, Sophie and Aubrey sitting on laps, and we make our way to Edwards. We laugh hysterically as all of us pour out of my uncle's tiny truck and people stop to stare.

(Aubrey sitting on my mom's lap - on our way to Edwards!)

We discover that the show starts in an hour and a half, so we walk to TGI Friday's for some lunch. (I had never eaten there before. It was pretty tasty.)

(Mom, Sophie and Janelle @ TGI Fridays!)

After we eat, we walk back to Edwards and head into the theater. Now . . . I know I've been exicted for this movie, but Oh. My. Gosh. There are no other words. It was . . . ridiculous. The people in front of and behind us probably HATED us because Janelle, Sophie and I couldn't stop laughing! We laughed hysterically through most of it. I believe Aubrey's comment afterwards was, "It started off bad and it just went downhill from there." It's so sad and so true. If the Mattsons hadn't been there, I'd have been so angry that I spent $7.50 to see that show. Ugh.

After we watched the movie, we made fun of it the whole way out to the car where we had to cram 7 bodies into a 6 seater Cadillac. Aubrey was on laps and we were all squished. It was pretty hilarious.

We made it home safely and now we have commenced our Vampire Diaries marathon. (Much more enjoyable.)

Like I said: Today was an adventure!

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