Friday, March 23, 2012

Ohhhh SingSnap!

Well, I made it home safely. My friend, Daniel, picked me up from the airport and drove me all the way to Victor. Which I appreciate. It was much better than taking a bus. AND . . . he had dark chocolate waiting for me when he picked me up! He's a smart boy.

I didn't realize exactly how tan I was until I got home with all of these "whities". Seriously. It's awesome.

Can you guess which leg is mine and which leg is Aubrey's??? And she's not overly white. You should see my leg compared to my mom's. That's incredibly hilarious.

I did another recording. I wasn't going to publish it, but Z talked me into it because he wants to hear it, too. So . . . I guess I'll just post it here. I won't make excuses for it -- there's no point. But just be prepared for how badly I trashed the ending. First I'm going to post a couple of other people singing the same song. I think these ladies did a pretty good job. It's friggen hard to sing karaoke perfectly, man. I know I can't even come close!

(I tried to warn you that it was bad, Z.)
Anyway -- I went to the midnight premier of Hunger Games last night. I shouldn't have done that. I couldn't stay awake and it's really annoying to take an $8, uncomfortable nap. Plus, I only got 5 hours of sleep last night and now I think I'm getting sick. I'm hoping that a little rest, yoga and tea and honey throughout the day can ward it off, but we'll see.

I'm actually going to try to get some rest right now. I gotta be well rested for my chat with Z tonight. I've negleted the poor boy for 2 or 3 days now. But . . . HE'S COMING TO SEE ME IN A FEW WEEKS! I'm super excited! I like that boy. I need to get permission to share a couple of his text messages on here. They are adorable. He's too good to me. And, someone recently made a good point -- He DOES put up with my crazy. He IS a keeper.

Alright -- I'm seriously going to hit my pillow again.

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