Wednesday, July 11, 2012

If I Was Emotional . . .

I am so bored today that it nearly has me in tears. For reals.  My tailbone is still just tender enough to hinder any real attempts at a serious workout, so that's ruled out. It's raining out, so going for a walk/run isn't sounding super fun. Usually I'd be down to watch a movie, but it's been so long since I've really done that that I'm having a hard time enjoying it. It's just not fun if there's no boy to cuddle up to while it's all going down, ya know?

Speaking of boys and boredom, I decided to read through some of my old blog posts and I came across this one. And this one If I was more of an emotional person, they very well may have made me cry.

But I'm not an emotional person. (At least, not now that my thyroid is fully back to normal. Haha.)

So I didn't cry. But they did make me miss those days a little bit. Can't lie -- it took me a couple of weeks to get over that boy once it was over. That just never happens to me. I'm still not sure if it was just because I was dealing with some thyroid crap or if it was cause I really cared about him. I mean -- I know I cared about him . . . I dont' know.

Annnyway . . .

I guess I'll go read. Or draw. Or maybe a little of both . . . ??

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