Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Make Them Smile Instead

Why are people so cruel to one another? Is there ever a good enough reason to inflict emotional pain on another human being? Then answer is no, never.

I have dealt with my fair share of verbal harassments. Often times I feel like they are totally justified. In fact, that's my way of coping. I tell myself that I deserve it. That I should take it to heart and grow from it. But that is soooo wrong! I realize now that no one deserves it. I don't care what anyone has done to you, inflicting harm with words is never okay.

This morning I woke up to the following email. I have edited the sender's name out and I will never tell who it is because no one ever needs to know. All you need to know is that the following email crushed me more than a thousand tons of bricks ever could. I spent the entire day in agony (and to be honest, I still ache. I probably will for some time to come).

Obviously this email was sent by someone who is very angry with me and is in reference to the fact that it is believed that I cannot have children. Anyone who has battled with infertility can probably understand just how painful this is. To be perfectly honest, I don't even understand the depth of how painful infertility can be because I haven't yet been to the point where I am ready to start a family, but just knowing that there is the possibility that I will never get to experience what it is like to have a pregnancy and perform that most sacred duty and honor of a woman devastates me.
The point of blogging about this isn't to play victim, however. I simply want to remind you to be kind. Please be kind to one another. You never know what someone is battling, and your hurtful words might just provide the perfect weapon for their defeat. If you have ever been in significant emotional pain, then it shouldn't be hard to make sure you do your best to never inflict that pain upon anyone else.
Watch your words today. It doesn't always take something as obviously cruel as what was written in that email to bring someone down. Don't be the cause of someone's suffering. Not when you can be the reason they smile instead.

Monday, February 24, 2014

The Tragedy

Misplaced passions and operative veneers;
Secrets, masquerades; nothing is clear;
Chasing a shadow and loving a ghost;
Riddles, an enigma wrapped in one host;

Cherishing something lost to forever;
Seeking that one thing long since been severed;
A dream long deceased, but clinging to hope;
Finding only more shadows; a slippery slope;

Pining for that which never was mine;
Perhaps never existed; I never could find;
The light I am seeking has long since been faded;
Alone in the dark here; nostalgic yet jaded;

The terrible tragedy, heartrending tale;
Told straight to the soul when veneers finally fail;
Yet lacking lucidity, still there's no clarity;
Not yet understanding; not yet that charity.