Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Vaca Days 8 & 9

Last night my grandma and I went and played some Bingo. And I won. $60. Yesssss.

^ My Winning Ticket ^

^My Money!^

This morning I walked the beach, as has become habitual. Have I mentioned that I love Florida? You know what else I love? The fact that I read from my Kindle for at LEAST 3 hours per day, and it still has 75% battery life. I haven't plugged it in one single time since I left Idaho. These little things make me smile. :)

The boy who I will fondly refer to as "DaVinci" from now on (at his request -- sort of) suggested to me yesterday that I learn to surf. This is humorous because . . . well . . . see for yourself . . .

That was the Gulf when I arrived at the beach at 6:45 this a.m.. That water is like glass, man! (There. That was MY stoner accent.) And yet . . . someone decided there was still some fun to be had . . .

Then again . . . the waves ARE a little bigger here ^ . . .

So . . . I decided to extend my trip by about . . . oh . . . two more weeks, btw. I'll have spent a month here by the time I leave. And I'm super happy about it. I have the world's best grandparents. Hands down. They are so good to me! However -- I do need to stay out of the sun for a bit. I was planning on leaving by this coming Tuesday, so I have been allowing myself to get nice and tan. I'm BRRROOOOOWWWWWNNN. Seriously -- it's borderline too much. I'll have to invest in some sunscreen for the remainder of my trip. You can KINDA see how tan I am in this pic . . .

. . . but not really. Mostly my leg just looks misshapen. :)

I've decided I'm going to go para sailing while I'm here. I've never done it and I've ALWAYS wanted too. I have a friend who did it last year about this time, and she said it was the coolest thing ever. Too bad I don't have a friend here to go with me. I figure I have a couple options here:

I can either go alone . . .

Befriend someone specifically for the purpose of going para sailing with me . . .

Or I can just invite a complete stranger to go up . . .

Personally I like the last option. That seems like a good way to kick up the adventure meter a little bit. What do you guys think? Any votes??

Also, I've already said this to Mr. DaVinci, but I'm going to say it to all of you: Mr. DaVinci is possibly the most ADORABLE person on the planet. I'm afraid I've developed a bit of a crush. And I tend to announce it when that happens. Only . . . this is the first time that my crush has been someone who reads what I write on occasion . . .


Alright, I'm headed to take a shower and then get a little more reading done.

It's a good life.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Florida Vaca: Sunday and Monday

Okay -- I'm going to warn you right now about a picture I have at the end of this post. It's basically of my chest, and it's completely inappropriate for some audiences. The story behind it amuses me, and I know it'll amuse some of you, but I'd recommend not reading all the way to the bottom if you don't have a good sense of humor. BTW - there's not nudity or anything. You'll see what I mean. Or maybe you won't. ;)

Annnyway . . . .

Yesterday I sang in church. Here's how it went:

I decided to just do a hymn since that was my easiest choice. So, the lady who accompanied me decided we could wait to practice until just before church. So . . . we ran through the song twice before sacrament, and then I performed it. It wasn't a hard hymn - it was Come Follow Me - but it's always a bit stressful to not rehearse first, right? Wrong. It was weird. I wasn't nervous at all. It was like . . . Because I hadn't practiced, it wasn't happening. Nerves never struck. And I was actually pleased with my performance. After sacrament, a lady approached me and thanked/congratulated me. She gave me the nicest compliment I've ever received after singing. She said: "Your tone was just . . . flawless! I kept thinking, 'Wow! This could totally be recorded!'" I thought that was nice of her. :)

After church we stopped to get something to eat. I ordered salmon with an orange chicken sauce. It. Was. Delicious. I wish it was possible to get seafood like that where I come from!

Doesn't that look divine?

But it was nothing compared to desert. We ordered something called Mile High Coconut Pie. It says it serves 4 people. I'm thinking it serves a little more than that . . .

My dear, sweet grandpa is holding up a fork to it so you can see just how tall this baby is. Each of us took about 4 bites and were done. I think the rest of it may have fed the trash . . . not too sure. Haha.

I re-watched Breaking Dawn last night, and this time I didn't think it sucked as bad as I thought it did the first time. Probably because I haven't watched ANYTHING at all in a while. Except for Change-Up. That movie was friggen hilarious!

This morning I got up and walked the beach again. The sun was out this time, so it was a little brighter, but I was about 20 minutes later getting there than last time, so the beach was already crowded and picked clean of any shells or other "goodies". These are the only critters I chanced upon this time:

Have you guys ever seen the inside of the building at a boat marina? It's crazy cool!

Those are all the boats stacked on "shelves". I'm in awe. Haha. This one was taken with a cellphone, so it's not as good of quality as the others, but you get the idea. ;)

Here are just a few more random photos:

You know those pictures that people take of you when you are caught completely off guard and you end up looking completely retarded? I've got one such photo for you. (What? You'd like to see a normal, flattering picture? No-can-do!) ;)

It was taken at twilight and the lighting is weird. I'm sticking my tongue out at some guy standing down by the pool. I can't remember why. Haha. (Also taken with a cellphone.)

Okay - funny story. I went shopping today and came across a shirt that was . . . a little too low. I took a picture of this shirt and sent it to a good friend asking if she thought it was too low (sarcastically, of course). I told her that I think I can pull it off if I don't wear a bra (like in the picture -- don't say I didn't warn you) and she sent me back this picture with the following message:

 "It's not too low now!"

Bahaha! Breast Cancer Awareness. She's a hoot! Completely inappropriate, but too funny not to share! (If you have a sense of humor, that is.)

Maybe I won't share this particular post on my facebook page. Haha.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Vaca Day 4

Today was a really great day. I got up with the sun and took a morning walk on the beach. Here are some pictures:

I got up nice and early this a.m. to be on the beach by sunrise. As you can see -- it was a little overcast, but the conditions were great for a morning walk on the beach. And there wasn't a crowd yet when I arrived!

The following are pictures of the many little critters on the beach.

I spent much of my time collecting sand dollars, starfish and shelled creatures that had washed up onto the beach and tossing them back into the water. Hopefully some of them stuck to the ocean floor and didn't wash back up.

By the time I left the beach an hour later, this was the crowd that had already accumulated:

It was kind of rainy today -- and I am just a tad sunburned, so I spent the day reading indoors, or I had intended to until I got a phone call that lasted 5 hours. I'm really growing to like Mr. DaVinci. He's a hoot. And 5 hours is a long-@$$ time to spend on the phone with someone. I'm surprised he could handle it. I had no problems. I can talk for EVER. Apparently -- so can he. ;)

I really wanted to watch a movie today, and I had intended to while my grandma was at the doctor, but I spent my afternoon on the phone instead. Which was actually preferable. I'm going to see if I can somehow watch the movie on this computer now, though. :)

Oh -- here's a crazy story. The hot tub jet welted my arm today. WT?? How does that happen? I have a nice bruise and welt where the water stream hit my arm for half a second. Crazy.

Alright. I'm off to bed. Peace!

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Vaca Continues . . .

I didn't get a chance to write the past couple of days, and I'm regretting it because already a lot of my memory of what all happened has been lost. Not because I did anything wild - just the opposite, in fact - but because vacation days all seem to blur together for me.

I know I read by the pool, and caught a few of the little lizards that hang out everywhere around here. I brought one up to my room to take a picture, but the stinker got away. He's chillin' out in here somewhere. Shhh . . . don't tell.

I've done a lot of reading. I'm currently reading a book called "The House at Riverton" by Kate Morton. Recommended to me by my cousin, Melissa, and I'd recommend it to anyone else. So far I'm really enjoying it. I've also gone for a swim for an hour just after sunset every night.

About that - Last night there was this young family who came down to the pool about a half hour after I did. They have three children, two boys and one girl. The oldest boy must be around 8 or 9, the girl must be around 6 or 7, and the littlest boy can't POSSIBLY be older than 3 or 4. He's so TINY. (They still cart him around in a baby stroller.) Anyway, this family comes down to swim, and the kids decide they want to race each other. So, they all line up and the dad yells "GO!", then the tiny little boy jumps up onto the side ledge and runs his little legs as fast as he can move them to the end, jumps back in the water, and declares his victory. That's a smart kid, ya'all. He's too cute! Another thing I thought was interesting -- When he swam past me, he was kicking like crazy and splashing water every which way (in his defense, he had floaties on his arms which made it impossible NOT to kick and splash if he preferred to get anywhere). Anyway, he was swimming by me and splashing water onto my face. He slowed his speed down, looked at me, gave a big grimace and APOLOGIZED! I thought that was the cutest thing! What 3 or 4 year old even notices the splash they are making, much less actually say sorry for it?!

I like that kid.

Tomorrow I'd really like to go fishing as the sun is setting if I can manage. I only have one problem -- if I want to catch anything, I need to use live bait, and I have a REALLY hard time doing that. I always feel so bad driving a hook through the shrimp - hearing it crack, and knowing it's in pain. Ugh. I don't have much success with fishing anyway. That's another story for another day. Perhaps tomorrow. Perhaps not. I've already told it once this week, anyway. Which reminds me! Among my other activities, I've been talking to my friend Za . . . wait. I'm supposed to refer to him as "DaVinci" on my blog now, because he has agreed to beat box while I rap and he's going to let me record it and put it on my blog. He's an occasional reader, too, so . . . There ya go, Vince (can I call ya Vince? ;), this is me holding you to your promise, baby! Haha. ;)

Another bit of good news: I got accepted into ISU. I start in the fall. I'll be going into Psychology and English. I'm pretty excited about it. I suddently see a light to the end of this Teton Valley tunnel I'm in. And it's bliss!

Okay -- I'm going to head to bed now. Have a good night, all!

As promised, here are a few pictures.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Start of My Vacation

Well -- I made it! I'm officially in the very best place to be on the whole of the Earth! It's funny -- it hit me today that this is MY very first official vacation. This is the first vacation I've ever taken where I have paid 100% for it by myself, and I even traveled here by myself. (Though, this is not my first time flying by myself.) That little fact hit me while I was taking my night swim.

 My trip getting here was moderately interesting. I had to catch the Salt Lake Express in Idaho Falls. The van was 25 minutes late showing up. Then the driver drove like a bat-outta-Hell to get us to make up for lost time. Problem was, the roads were TERRIBLE. It was only me and two other women as passangers in the van, so we sat in the back and entertained each other with our life stories so we wouldn't have to think about how near and possible our deaths were. By the time we reached the airport, we were all exchanging phone numbers and hugs.

Before we reached the airport, we made a pit stop in Ogden for a potty break and I got to spend a few minutes with my friend Daniel. Always a good time, though not nearly long enough. Then we were back on the road, driving 500 miles per hour again. The ironic thing was this: The bus was due to arrive at the airport by 10:00 p.m., but my flight was the earliest to leave . . . and it wasn't until 12:55 a.m.. Another one of us lived in Salt Lake, so she didn't care when she made it home, and the other of us didn't have to catch her flight until 7:00 a.m.. So . . . why that guy was in such a hurry? Who knows. We were the last bus he was scheduled to drive. He must have just wanted to get home.

We made it to the airport on time, and I was at my gate by a little after 10, so I called my friend Zach, who was kind enough to talk to me until about 5 minutes before I had to board the plane. The sweet boy kept me awake. I was effing tired, not gonna lie -- and I'm sure our conversation was a little crazy, but I'm appreciative. He even made sure to take today off so that he could stay up late talking to me last night. I think that's just the sweetest thing.

My first flight was good. I slept through most of it. It got a little turbulent for about 5 minutes, but nothing too extreme. Then I had a layover in Atlanta for a couple of hours. I was a complete zombie. I slept some, but not much. Zach had offered to have me call him back to keep me awake, but I couldn't bare to do it to the poor guy, so I just people watched. There was this one chick that really sticks out in my memory, but I have NO idea why. She was TALL. Probably 6 feet (with her heels). She had naturally red hair that she had dyed blond which was down to her shoulderblades, and she was TINY. She reminded me of a glamorous praying mantis. Seriously. But not in a good way (if there even IS a good way to resemble a glamorous praying mantis). I have NO idea why she sticks out when no one else did.

My second flight was awesome and smooth. I slept through 95% of it. Then I had arrived!

Now -- there is NO better experience than that of stepping out of the Fort Myers airport and feeling/smelling the warm, humid, salty air. I LOVE it. It instantly makes me euphoric. And even though I had only slept for an accumulated 4 hours, I was completely invigorated and ready to play! I immediately went down to kick it poolside, and already have a fabulous base tan going. I love it when my thyroid levels are where they are right now. I tan up nicely, but don't burn if I'm careful to only stay in the sun for an hour or two at a time at first. By the time I leave here in two weeks . . . I'm going to be DARK. Yesssss!

After what ended up being a nap by the pool happened, I came upstairs and took yet another nap. Then my grandma had the missionaries over for dinner. It's cute -- my grandma had warned me that this one elder was "oh so cute". I just chuckle to myself because the elders are 21 years old . . . just a tad too young ;) But, wow. She wasn't kidding. This one elder was adorable. They BOTH were, actually. I really wanted to take them home to my little sister. Haha.

After dinner, I went for an after-dark swim. Which was awesome. I had the whole pool to myself with the exception of two happy old guys chillin in the hot tub. I swam laps for about an hour, and then came back up to the condo to write this happy blog post. Now I'm going to hit my pillow because I am BEAT. I'll post more pictures tomorrow. :)

Taken from a car while crossing the bride onto Sanibel Island. I'm in love with all the water and sun!

Sunday, February 19, 2012


I need to take just a moment to vent a little.

First of all: I'm kind of getting tired of every article on the internet being about Whitney Houston and her death. It's sad, it's tragic, (it's not surprising), but I'm kind of tired of reading about it. Not that I bother to read the articles anymore. I'm equally tired of seeing the adds on facebook for the "fallen heroes" "one dies, millions cry, millions die, no one cries" adds. I get it, and I agree. But how many different pictures need to be created and "shared" to get that point across? Really?

Second of all, I'm super pissed at my self for agreeing to do two things. The first is, holding this puppy. He's driving me absolutely insane. I don't have time for a puppy. I don't have time to play with him. I don't have time to clean up after him. And I keep getting offers for $50-100 more than I'm going to be getting for him and they want him NOW -- TODAY. I'm so tempted, but I already promised these people that they'd have a pup when they get back from their trip, so I'll deliver. But I'm really kicking myself for it.

The second thing I'm pissed about is agreeing to sing in church in Florida. I seriously have contemplated "missing" my bus so I can't even get to the airport to go. There have already been super minor complications develop with it, and those super minor complications are enough to stress me out, big time! Heaven forbid something big goes wrong. I'll be a MESS. I feel like my whole stupid vacation has gone to shit. To make it all the worse, I'm not singing until the day before I leave, so there will be no relaxing for me. Period. And I'm pissed about it.

I have a confession. I HATE being asked to sing in church. Seriously. LOATHE it. If I want to sing in church, I'll approach the appropriate people and make it happen, but if I'm asked, I feel obligated and it becomes just another hideous chore.

Can I just crawl into a hole now??

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Ramblings . . .

I really need to be packing, and yet I can't drag myself away from the computer. Part of that is because I know I also need to clean the bathroom -- AGAIN. Ugh. I can't wait for Saturday when this puppy goes to his new home. He's a good puppy, but he has to spend a couple hours per day in a kennel and he SCREAMS. I mean S.C.R.E.A.M.S. It's not a whine. It's a high-pitched, scratchy squeak that actually drives me bonkers after about 5 minutes of listening to it. And he can do it for hours. I'd let him roam free with the "big dogs", but he attempts to chew on my computer cords every time, so that's no longer an option for him unless he's under close supervision - which I can't offer if I'm packing. It's a good thing he's so cute. At least he's already potty-trained. However -- he has escaped from the kennel twice and completely trashed the bathroom. (Hence the reason I have to clean it again.) It's amazing that something so small can make a mess so big out of basically nothing!

I agreed to sing while I'm in Florida. Ugh. I don't want to disappoint my grandparents, so I agreed, but the truth is . . . My vacation just became another extension of "work". Now, instead of relaxing by the pool and on the beach at all hours of the day without a care in the world, I'll be spending a few hours practicing and rehearsing. Balls. On the other hand -- I'm always happy to sing for my grandparents. I know that they don't get to hear it very often. I never should have stopped performing. I used to be so great at it, but now nerves pretty much ruin my performance. Meh. I'll get used to it again at this rate. Haha.

Thanks to Colin, I've found my new favorite song. For now, anyway. ;)

Dream a Little Dream

I FINALLY did a song that I actually really like. So, I'm going to share it. :) If you like it, and you have a facebook page, click on the link and "like" the song so you can share it with your friends! Thanks so much for listening, guys. And, Zach . . . this one's for you! ;)

Friday, February 17, 2012

Random Videos and Pictures from my phone

I'm going to upload a few random videos and pictures from my phone. Just for the H of it.

This first video is of my brother bench-pressing my sister. (Most of these videos are going to be turned the wrong way. Sorry. You'll just have to deal with it.)

This next video is of my sister's awesome bowling skills.

This next video is of my little buddy, Milo, eating a sour cream and onion flavored cricket. Yep. You read that right.

And now for some pictures.

This first picture is of the trees after a frost storm. It was taken with my cell phone at about 7:30 a.m.

Some more of the frost:

These next pictures are of my friend, Colin, and his adorable little . . .  snake. Yup. Snake. (Which he was kind enough to let me play with. And not in a perverted way.)

I'll also put the karaoke songs on here that you requested to see. You know who you are. You could find them under my karaoke page, but I'll just make it easy for you. I'll even throw a few new ones in there for you regular readers. Here you go:

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Miriam and I FINALLY do a duet!

My most wonderful, beautiful, bestest friend and I did a duet for the first time in . . . YEARS! We used to sing together all the time. I don't think I could even list all the times and places that we sang publicly. It's something that I dearly miss. Well . . . thanks to this SingSnap site, we are back in action! Here is our newest duet we did! I'm singing the verse and Miriam is singing the chorus. It's a little low for my voice, but I don't care. I LOVE it! I've missed singing with you, my dearest love! XOXO

Poor, Lonely Puppy

Okay -- now that I'm down to one puppy, I'm almost wishing I hadn't agreed to hold on to the last one for so long. The poor little guy cried his guts out last night because now he's all alone. :( I played with him before I went to bed, but the moment he went back into his box, he was freaking out. I finally had to turn on the fan to drown out the noise (and then I froze!). I'm not too sure what to do with him. He doesn't leave until the 25th, so he's in for a few lonely nights. I guess I could put him in with the big dogs, but then I'd have quite a mess to clean up. Ugh. Maybe I should get him a kitten to play with. Haha.

Well . . . since I'm up, I suppose I'll go do my workout and start to get some things in order for my trip. I technically leave a week from Tuesday. :) Have a great day, everybody!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Raizer the Windshield Crack

I delivered another puppy to Ogden today . . . and this happened:

Now -- you might be thinking, "Oh, she hit a bird or a giant rock, or something." Nope. Here's the story: I was driving while my sister was taking a nap in the passenger's seat with her foot up resting on the dash. I admit that I was getting a little sleepy myself (not that that fact is relevant in any way to the story -- it's just a fact), when all of a sudden Hailee kicks her foot forward as if she were startled. In doing so . . . she caused that beauty to happen. The good news is -- It woke me up! (Hey! I guess that fact WAS somewhat relevant to the story!) ;)

Here's another shot of my new star on my window. (I think I'll name him Raizer. Raizer the Windshield Crack. Fair enough.)

See? He's actually pretty effing big! Gah! Oh well . . . such is life, I suppose. At least it makes for a decent story . . .

Here are a couple of pictures of something a little cuter. ;)

Isn't he cute? And see my white arm? It won't be so white in another two weeks! Whoot Whoot!

On a completely different note: Remember me talking about not being able to reach my friend that I "co-wrote" my SingleMingle story with? Well . . . I finally reached her. And she confessed something pretty terrible to me. Apparently, she set me up to take the fall for something . . . pretty awful . . . because she didn't think she could handle it. It's a long story -- and there could be some of you who know exactly who I'm talking about, so to save her any embarrassment, I won't go into details. All I'll say is: There are probably a few people out there who think I'm pretty twisted. Do I find it a little humorous? Kind of. Especially since I don't personally know any of these people. Except for the fact that my friend had access to my facebook page and brought another friend (maybe two?? I'm still a little confused about that part . . .) into it. (Turns out it was HER who sent out those strange emails -- for those of you who received them.) Interestingly enough, when I went to look at one of said friend's profile, she had deleted me! Haha. I think this is probably karma for a stunt I pulled of my own recently. Though -- what I was set up for is definitely worse. Curious??? ;) Too bad. I'm not sharing! Who knows . . . maybe someday you'll all hear about it. From the sounds of things . . . she did a VERY thorough job of framing me. I'm still trying to figure out WHY she did it (besides her excuse of not wanting to deal with the fall-out of it all). I thought we were better friends than that. For the record . . . if you read this, my friend . . . just know that I forgive you. All is fine. :)

Okay -- I need to go to bed. I'm pretty flippin' exhausted!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Florida - Here I Come! :)

Alright -- My Florida tickets are booked! I leave on the red-eye flight February 22nd and return on March 6th. That's less than two weeks from now. Eeeh! I can not WAIT! Now I need to hurry up and get some good books/music (thanks, Colin, for the music suggestions) before I go. I also need to start making a list of the things I need to pack. Ugh. This is where my obsessive need to be over-organized kicks in. I'll seriously need to make a list of everything I could need so I can check stuff off as I pack it. Then I'll take the list with me so I can be sure not to leave anything behind. I'm debating on whether or not to take a yoga mat. Is it worth it? My grandparents have all tile throughout their apartment, and I'm definitely going to want to work out while I'm down there . . . but I dont' want to take anything but carry-on bags. Hmm . . . I guess I'll have to see if I can cram it in there or not.

I would just like to randomly mention the fact that people often make fun of the fact that I pronounce it "Flah-rida" -- even though that's completely the correct way to say it!

Okay . . . so . . . this past week I have really struggled with the stupid Subway cookies ever since an employee literally MADE me try the raspberry cheesecake ones (oh. my. GAH! SO delicious!), so I purchased Simply Fit Chocolate Chip cookies (from my "Queens of Green company"), and you know what? They've saved my butt. They are made from all-organic ingredients and have about 1/3 of the calories. And they are completely satisfying! I'm SO glad I bought a bag when I did. :)

Is it pathetic that's it's only 6:20 p.m., but all I want to do is curl up in bed with a book and fall asleep soon? I think the hours I've been working should be taken into consideration here. Also, consider the fact that I have to be up just as early as ever so I can deliver a puppy to Ogden, Utah. (Another $525 in my pocket, whoot whoot!)

Okay - I'm FREEZING! So I am going to go workout, shower, and then hit my pillow!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

No More Puppies!

I officially sold all of my puppies. Well . . . Technically two of them haven't left yet, but they are sold. I deliver one of them this Saturday, and the other one goes to his new home on the 25th. It feels good to have them gone. And I made a killing on this litter! I'm very grateful for that. it's obvious that I have been blessed. They sold fast and I got my asking price for all of them. (A little more, in fact. I made over $2000 on this litter.)

I'm going to be booking my tickets to Florida tonight. I can't decide when to go. I'm thinking about going as early as two weeks from today. Woohoo! I can't wait to be next to the pool with my Kindle, or to be going for runs on the beach. Yessss. Too bad I have to go alone.  Anyone want to go with me? :)

Ugh. I have the worst paper cut on my finger. And typing hurts. When I cut it, it didn't even feel like a cut. It felt like an electric shock. It was bizarre. It didnt' bleed very long (thank-goodness, because I was at work when it happened), but it's made sure to stay nice and sore. Btw, jalapeno or banana pepper juice in a paper cut . . . Super fun!

Alright -- I need to go clean my room and bathroom, do some laundry and work on my book. (Sound familiar?) I'm going to get it done for REAL this time! :)

Monday, February 6, 2012

SingSnap FAIL!

Okay - Lately I've been sharing my singing "successes" on my blog, and I feel it's time to share a failure. I have to do this every once in a while purely for my own amusement. This song starts off bad, and finishes just as badly. :)  I don't think I could even count the sour notes in it. This was my "warm-up" challenge. Here's what's going on: I am singing with earphones on that blast the music into my ears, but don't allow me to hear myself very well. (I can hear myself all muffled in my own head, but that's it.) Turns out I'm not so good at hitting the correct notes if I can't hear myself. :) Enjoy! Haha.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Update on today's goals

Update on the things I needed to do list (for those of you who care):

1 - Clean my room (I half-way completed this task)
2 - Clean my bathroom (I managed to pull the dirty laundry from it -- that's it)
3 - Do laundry (SUCCESS!)
4 - Work at LEAST an hour on my book (I don't think I even looked at it)
5 - Successfully deliver this pup to Utah (Another success)
6 - Avoid a nap at all costs (I was zonked out by 3 o'clock and slept for about an hour. Ugh)

As you can see -- Today was not a good day for keeping goals that I set. Here's what I DID accomplish (besides the things I mentioned above):

I watched the movie "Original Sin" -- and liked it.
I ate like . . . a POUND of blueberries -- and like it.
I became an accumulated $1,220 richer (Two pups sold and a Queens of Green payday!)
I washed my bedding and re-made my bed.
I washed my dogs bedding and re-made THEIR bed. :)
I cried and ate some nachos to make my soul happy. (Long story)
I contacted ISU about my student application.
I sang a song on SingSnap.
I checked my email about a THOUSAND times hoping somebody -- ANYBODY -- had emailed me. (But really there was one guy in particular that I was hoping to hear from. You know who you are!) ;)
I pleaded with people on facebook to come hang out with me -- and got a few offers. :) (But ultimately I spent the day alone.)

That's really about it.

And now I'm going to bed. Good-night, all!

Things I must accomplish today

Things I must accomplish today:

1) Clean my room
2) Clean my bathroom
3) Do laundry
4) Work at LEAST an hour on my book
5) Successfully deliver this puppy to Utah
6) Avoid taking a nap at all costs so I can get to bed at a decent time tonight

I should also find time to run or something since I skipped my workout this a.m.. I had better get going on that list! :)

Friday, February 3, 2012

It's Friday, Friday!

One of my little Mini Pins went to her new parents today. It's always bitter-sweet to send a pup on his/her way. The cash makes it easier to let them go, though. Haha. My other little girl leaves for Utah on Sunday. That just leaves my two males, and I've got someone considering taking one of them. If you want one, you better make yourself heard soon! ;) $475/pup and I'll deliver to pretty much anywhere for fuel reimbursement. :)

Guess what. I only worked 9 and 1/2 hours today. That's amazing. I don't think my knees/ankles/feet/thighs/hips could have handled any more than that anyway. I can't believe how sore my muscles are. WT . . . ? I feel like I've done some huge, strenuous workout. Oh well.

Well . . . it's 9:38, and I get the feeling that I should be heading to bed soon. I really want to get some reading done. Have I mentioned that my book has been completely neglected for this entire week? It totally has. I really need to get working on that.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

World's Worst Boss

I am EXHAUSTED. Here is my schedule for the past week:

5:20 a.m. - Wake up
5:30 - 6:00 a.m. - Work out
6:00 - 7:00 a.m. - Get ready for work
7:00 - 7:20 - Drive to work
7:20 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. - Work
4:00 - 6:30 p.m. - Go home and feed dogs/do whatever chores need done
6:30 - 6:50 - Drive back to work
6:50 - 9:30 - Work
9:30 - 10:00 - Clean laundromat
10:00 - 10:20 - Drive home
10:20 - Get ready for bed

And then it all starts all over in the a.m.. Do you have any idea how hard it has been to force myself to work out? It doesn't seem so bad. I'm getting 7 hours of sleep, right? Have I mentioned that all of these hours worked are on my feet, moving around and . . . yes . . . sweating? I'm super tired. The good news: I sleep AMAZING! Haha.

I've decided I need to invest in water proof mascara to continue this job. There hasn't been one single day where one of the boys hasn't decided to completely drench me. Usually they only get one side of my face, so I leave with one eye completely clean and void of any previously applied makeup. It is pretty comical, I must admit. At least BOTH boys have hurt knees now (not my fault, btw . . . just in case you were wondering), so they are both pretty slow. Haha. They make work fun. I'm super grateful they are there! Thanks, guys! :) I really shouldn't let them get away with the stuff I let them get away with, though . . .

World's Worst Boss? Maybe . . .