Saturday, October 6, 2012

We go together.

I'm going to start this post by once again stating (I've already said this on my facebook page) how much I absolutely hate, loath, detest and abhor Silverstar. Their internet Suuuuuuuuucks. Sucks. Sucks. Sucks. I can't say it enough. They suck so bad.

Anywaaaaaay . . .

I entered the SingSnap "Nifty Fifties" challenge. We had one day to prepare and had to pick a song from an artist who got their start in the fifties. I decided that I wanted to try and do one that no one else had done, but with over 600 entries, that didn't leave many options. Really only one, in fact.

It only left this one.

Eff, that song was harder to sing than you would think. My voice was DEEEAAAAD by the time I was done recording it. I spent over an hour just learning the song. I haven't watched Grease in such a long time, and then I never exactly learned the words to that song in the first place (for obvious reasons.) But I think it turned out okay. The comments people have left are very sweet. Then again, everyone leaves sweet comments--even to the people who royally suck--so I take it all with a grain of salt.

I don't imagine I'll win--not with as many entries as there were--but it was still fun to enter. :)

Want to see something cute??

(Nevermind . . . Silverstar SUCKS so it won't let me upload the video.)

My little dog is too dang adorable. He also has got to be the cleanest little dog ever! He LOOOVES to shower with me. In fact, ever third day, he'll scratch at the shower door and whine until I pull him in. We even have a system worked out. While I'm under the water, I stand to one side so a stream still comes down and hits him (which he positions himself under so it hits him square between the shoulder blades), then when I'm out of the water lathering up or whatever, he moves under. He loves it! Especially now that it's getting cold.

He also has gotten in the bad habit of not ever wanting to leave my sight. Especially since I've been home so much lately with him. (More on that in a moment.) He's a great little dog and I love his little guts!! We've had a great weekend, just the two of us. I turned down two dates this weekend just so I could enjoy my time alone with my little guy. (And because I've felt horribly lately, honestly.)

About me not working so much lately . . . That is an aggrivating story. Basically since July my skin has been freaking out. Like, royally freaking out, so I haven't wanted to go anywhere. But only along my jaw line. If I'm being honest, my skin has been breaking out since last March, but it only started getting out of control in July. And it has been anyone's guess as to why. I've had doctors thinking it was related to my job with Targhee and the chemicals we use. Others have thought it was hormone related. I even had one doctor tell me I probably have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. But that didn't make sense. My cycle is normal (you're welcome for that information) and I don't have any "masculine hair growth". In fact, I have NONE of the symptoms of that syndrome besides the breakouts along my jaw.

I finally started doing some research of my own and discovered that I have a gluten allergy and possibly something called Celiac disease. It makes perfect sense! Basically all that means is that my body can't absorb gluten so my immune system treats it as a threat. This adds up with my symptoms more than anything. Remember how I said my skin started getting bad in March? At the time I blamed it on the stress of having to come home from my vacation and get back to reality. But while I was in Florida I first broke my diet by eating a salmon sandwich. (My vegan diet I was on was gluten free completely by coincidence.) Then, when I got back, Zach and I spent those two weeks together and I ate so much bread. I ate incredibly poorly nearly everyday and my skin was getting worse. So was our relationship, so I blamed it on the stress from that. Then, in July I started working at Targhee and the job was so physically taxing that I felt like I needed more calories than my vegan diet was providing, so I started taking a sandwich pretty much every day. And THAT'S when I started having the troubles with my skin.

It's kind of ironic -- Since I dont' have a thyroid I have literally prayed for a way to stay in shape (people with no thyroids often end up overweight, and those tendencies run in my family anyway so . . . double whammy). Well, I think my prayers were answered. If I can't eat bread or sugar . . . pretty sure I'll be fine my whole life. :) As long as they are done messing with my thyroid, that is. So . . . in the end, it's a huge blessing! My temptation to eat junk food is completely eliminated by this new fact of life!

The only that SUCKS about it is that sushi (my very most favorite food) isn't always gluten free. The soy sauce especially is a no-no. Balls. I think I'll just have to deal with poor skin a couple of times a year because I don't think I can eliminate sushi from my life completely.


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