Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Two Words: Cross-Sitch and Christmas Tree. ----Wait.

Last night I had a dream about this:

What is it? It's a cross-stitch from the David & Charles Cross-Stitch Collection I started in like . . . 2007 and never finished. (Isn't it pretty epic for a cross-stitch. Kudos to the designer.) I haven't even thought about it in a looong time, and then last night it popped into my dreams looking exactly like this. (That's impressive because it's been a while since I've looked at it.)

Anyway, I guess I need to work on it and get it finished. Believe it or not: I really don't like having unfinished projects. This was something I worked on to ease stress, and I haven't been that stressed lately. I may have started this in 2007, but I did most of it in 2009 when I was going through my divorce.

I got my Christmas tree up. My mom admitted that she doesn't like it. Haha. She doesn't like white or gold . . . and it's both. In my old apartment it looked gorgeous because I had a really attractive green color on the walls. (I wish I had pictures to show you. I know green on the walls doesn't sound that awesome, but it TOTALLY was.)

Anyway. Here's a picture of the tree. (And Aubrey, haha.)

The picture really doesn't do it justice -- I promise. I'm thinking that I want to get some maroon bows for it, too. (You can't see in this pic, but there are little gold bows all over it. Ugh, just come over and see it in person -- it's better that way!) ;)

Chapter 10 in my book is nearly complete. It's starting to get to the action parts now, so it's even more fun to write -- if that's possible. (It's been pretty awesome the entire time.)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A little about this one guy . . . and some writing tricks I use

Have you guys ever had a connection with someone that was so distinct it was almost creepy? For example: You haven't touched your phone all day, but you suddenly get the urge to check it and just as you do, that person texts or calls you? Or you can be having a conversation that makes NO sense whatsoever to a third party, but you two are enough on the same wave length that you totally follow each other? Or sometimes you guys both have the exact same, completely random, thought at the same time AND you actually say it out loud at the same time?

Some people call that "Soul Mates". I don't know what I call it. I only know that I've only ever truly experienced it once. I mean, sure . . . It got to the point where I was like that with my ex-hubby, but we were together for long enough that I believe it's just because I knew him so well. This other time, I had JUST met the person. We had had maybe three conversations was all. We just clicked. It felt good to click.

Unfortunately, it didn't work out (obviously).

I've often wondered since if I will ever experience anything like that again. It'll be hard to find it a second time, I think. I mean, this guy was pretty amazing. He was sweet, charming, witty . . . and we had a lot in common. I've met plenty of sweet, charming and witty guys since him, but he was different somehow. (Cue the violins, eh? Haha.)

So, tell me people . . . Is that common? Do you know what I'm talking about - have you experienced it?

Time to work some more on my book. I'm about 100 pages in. And (maybe) a third of the way through the story . . . ? It's amazing to me how writing works. At least . . . for me, anyway. I had this idea in my head. I mapped it out using key points in the story, and then I started writing from there, knowing that I needed to eventually hit those key points in the story. All the stuff in between was a total "wing-it" job. But as I've been writing, and things happen, it alters those key points in the story, and now it's going to end in a very different way than I had originally thought it would. Well . . . it still is going to end the same, there are just a lot more elements to it. (This is tricky to explain without being able to reveal any of the plot.)

I find that the best trick is to get some key points in my head, then turn on my iPod (for some reason this works best at night, right before I fall asleep), and then I imagine the story. I see my characters as I would see them in a movie and I play out different scenarios in my mind (music is SUCH a help). Then, when I find a scenario I like to "watch", I play it over and over so I don't forget it until I can write it down. Sometimes the images are so vivid that I have to control how much detail I put into my story. (I don't want to flood it - gotta leave some room for the imagination of the reader.)

Anyway, time to get back to it. I have some time off of work this week, and I have a goal to write at least three more chapters. (Seems like it should be a quick and simple task, but it isn't. I spend a LOT of time editing and revising. That's actually what takes the longest.)

This was a long post. If you are still reading . . . thanks! Haha.


Tonight is another one of those epic nights where sleep eludes me. I've been writing for hours, and I guess it has my brain too wired - I can't relax.

I'd like to take just a second to thank my friend Liz for one of the ideas I've had for my blog. (My "About me" page is similar to the one on her page). Thanks, Liz, for letting me incorporate your idea onto my blog! (Of course, the facts are all very different!) ;)

I recently came across this picture, and it drives me crazy!

My O.C.D senses really are tingling! Both because of the stupid cookie and the misspelled word! (Omgosh, I can't stand to look at it! Gah!)

Okay, people. I'm going to TRY and get some shut-eye. See you all tomorrow! ;)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Brand New Blog! Please Read! ;)

Okay, I've really done some serious reconstruction of my blog. I've added tabs now! You'll have to check them out. Also, if you read my blog - you should just follow me! So far I have zero followers and yet my blog gets around 50 hits per day (it's a start). Join me, people! ;)

I wish I could share my book on here with you guys (but that would completely ruin my chances at publishing it). It's getting to the point where I can't WAIT to write. You know when you are reading a good book and you can't put it down/wait to pick it back up? It's exactly like that, only it's me writing the words. The story has gone in a bit of a different direction than I had initially anticipated, but in a good way.

I'm also going to be starting another blog that features my dogs/puppies. (Remi is prego!  Gotta sell those pups!)

Alright, time to get back to my book!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Fun Stuff For Your Blog

I spent a little time redesigning my blog today. I finally found some time! The best part is that everything on here is now a custom image, so it's definitely one of a kind. ;) I made a few different "blog thingies" in my quest for finding the perfect one for my blog. I figure I'll share them in case any of you want to use them. They're super easy to make up and I can do just about anything, so if you have any requests, email me with them and I can do them up for you.

Here are some examples:

Here's an example of what I did with my name:

Anyway, those are just some fun little things for your blog. Feel free to use them, I don't mind. If you aren't sure how, just email me and I can give you instructions. I hope you enjoy!

If you happen to use any of these, leave me a comment! I'd love to know what you think! ;)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Today's Adventure.

Today was an adventure. My mother, sisters, Janelle, Sophie and I all decided to have a girls day out and sneak away to Idaho Falls to watch Breaking Dawn. Since there were six of us going, we decided to take my car because it's roomier than my mother's Cadillac. When Sophie and Janelle first showed up, Sophie was complaining about being cold because she hadn't brought a coat. Janelle told her she was crazy saying, "What would you do if we broke down?" Ultimately, Aubrey lent her a coat.

Since my vehicle was running low on gas, my mother stopped and put a few dollars in it figuring we could fill up once out in Idaho Falls since gas prices are cheaper out there. Janelle made the comment, "Watch - We'll run out of gas 5 minutes before we get to the theater."

Then we hit the road. The roads were icy for the first few miles, but dry after that. Anyway, once we hit Idaho Falls, we were driving down 45th East (or whatever that road is) aaaaannnnddd the car dies. It just stops dead at a stop sign. FIVE MINUTES BEFORE WE WERE TO THE THEATER! We all "yell" at Janelle and tell her to stop saying negative things since both of her comments came true (what are the odds?). The dude in the truck behind us helps us push it out of the way, and we call my uncle for help. He says he will help us asap, but that it's going to take a few minutes, so we have to wait. Aubrey and Sophie do a dance on the side of the road for entertainment until my uncle shows up with a gas can. My mom and I put the gas in the car -- and it still doesn't start.

(Us on the side of the road - sun in our eyes, waiting for our help to arrive. Hilarious picture!)

It's never fun when your car has issues, but it's even LESS fun when you just forked over $399 to have it's issues fixed. Gah! What is it with my stuff? I pay all this money and it STILL doesn't work? It turns out that my fuel pump is probably shot.

Anyway, we call my dad to have him come from Victor to pick us up and in the meantime my uncle says he'll drive us to the theater. So . . . we all cram into his truck, Sophie and Aubrey sitting on laps, and we make our way to Edwards. We laugh hysterically as all of us pour out of my uncle's tiny truck and people stop to stare.

(Aubrey sitting on my mom's lap - on our way to Edwards!)

We discover that the show starts in an hour and a half, so we walk to TGI Friday's for some lunch. (I had never eaten there before. It was pretty tasty.)

(Mom, Sophie and Janelle @ TGI Fridays!)

After we eat, we walk back to Edwards and head into the theater. Now . . . I know I've been exicted for this movie, but Oh. My. Gosh. There are no other words. It was . . . ridiculous. The people in front of and behind us probably HATED us because Janelle, Sophie and I couldn't stop laughing! We laughed hysterically through most of it. I believe Aubrey's comment afterwards was, "It started off bad and it just went downhill from there." It's so sad and so true. If the Mattsons hadn't been there, I'd have been so angry that I spent $7.50 to see that show. Ugh.

After we watched the movie, we made fun of it the whole way out to the car where we had to cram 7 bodies into a 6 seater Cadillac. Aubrey was on laps and we were all squished. It was pretty hilarious.

We made it home safely and now we have commenced our Vampire Diaries marathon. (Much more enjoyable.)

Like I said: Today was an adventure!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Me singing "O Holy Night" . . . not very well. ;)

My phone didn't go off one single time today until nearly 11 p.m. *sigh*. I remember when it used to be dead by 11 a.m. . . literally, and I'd have to charge it then. This past summer I used to get a LOT of texts. I kinda miss it. Now I may get a few throughout the day, but that's all.

I spent the day at Subway. My dad is remodeling it so we spent the majority of the day pulling up the tile. We thought it would be a quick and easy task.  . . . . Nope. I was at it for 2 hours without stopping and then for another half hour (after a short break). My hands are blistered, my arms and back are sore and I'm super exhausted, but it feels great! ;)

Christmas is right around the corner. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I love Christmas, but it's also a very stressful time for me. Especially when I'm pretty friggen broke. I really love Christmas music, though. Singing it, especially. I'd love to go Caroling if I get the chance. Speaking of singing Christmas music . . . I wanted to share this video with you all because it amuses me. I was trying to sing O Holy Night, but this version is WAAAY too low for my voice. I took this video with a cell phone and without warming up my voice first (I have NO idea what's going on with my vibrato - it sounds awful, though) so . . . those of you who've never heard me sing, don't judge by this. ;) I had intended to send it to a friend, not post it on my blog, but then I figured . . . what the heck. You all may as well get some amusement out of it too. :)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, All!

My family joined the Mattson/Christensen family and we had a great time! Thanks for having us, guys!

Since it's Thanksgiving, people have been posting about things they are grateful for on facebook all month. I didn't do that, so I'm going to say what I'm grateful for here on my blog. :)

I'm thankful for my family who has been very supportive through all of my mess with my marriage and my health. They are always there to pick up the pieces when I crumble, and without them I know I wouldn't be able to be put myself back together again - I'd stay in a heap on the floor. So, thank-you for giving me a place to go when I had nowhere else.

I'm thankful for amazing friends. Both those that I've had for years and years and those couple that I technically haven't even met yet. You are all wonderful and I'm grateful that you are "constants" in my life. I love that I can turn to any of you to talk about anything.

I'm thankful for my talents. I recognize that I do have a lot of talents - even though not all of them are very strong. That's all part of the fun - I get to work on them! ;)

I'm thankful for my "babies" (my dogs). They give me something to hold on the nights I feel scared or lonely, and they love me no matter what I'm going through. They are very special to me.

I'm thankful to have been raised in the church. Even if I haven't been the strongest of members, I'm thankful for the things the church has sheltered me against. I'm thankful for those certain experiences I haven't had to experience because of choices I've made based on how I was raised. (Whew! How's that for a sentence?)

And those are just a few of them (in no particular order). I hope all of you had a fabulous Thanksgiving full of friends, family and good food! ;)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

How I spent my day off.

I had the day off today - in fact, all of us did - so we went shopping! Hooray! Always a fun time. :) We had to leave at 7:30, which meant I had to get up at 5:30 even though I didn't go to bed until nearly 2 a.m. (blah). Sometimes I think it would just be easier to cut my hair. It would at least save me a bunch of time in the morning. The best part is, when I got up my sister was in my shower, so I sat there and waited for her to get out for a half hour. Happy, smiley, good. I could have been asleep! I got some super cute shoes. Did I need shoes? Yes and no. I needed boots for church - so I got boots. I didn't, however, need these . . .

I just "needed" them. Look how cute they are on!

The boots I got are super cute, too. (I haven't had a chance to take a pic yet, though.)

Aaaannnnnd what fun would shopping be if you didn't stop to take a few silly pictures!? (Still pretty fun, actually.)

(Sophie, you are super sexy, girl!)

Look what else we found . . .

Haha. Here's what it really is . . .

Is that not the greatest ever?

Days off are the best!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

50 songs I'd recommend . . . and some other stuff. ;)

Most of you are aware that I am obsessed with music. I love ALL sorts of music (though - not Country so much . . . Ironic). Anyway, I've had a lot of requests for "good" songs lately, so I decided  to just put together another playlist of songs I really like. I chose 50 (fairly random) songs. Not all the songs I wanted to add were available (boo!), but these ones are pretty good, too. So, there you go. I hope you enjoy!

(A couple of songs I wanted to add, but couldn't:)
  • Division - Aly & AJ
  • With You in My Head - Unkle
  • What If - Gina Rene
  • Willing Well III: Apollo II: The Telling Truth - Coheed and Cambria
  • Nabbed - Yoshida Brothers
  • Storm - Yoshida Brothers
  • Opposite Direction - Union of Knives
  • The Beautiful People - Christina Aguilera
(Just in case you want to look them up)

My piano piece is coming along. I haven't had much time to practice, so it's not as good as it should be, but it's getting there. Here - see for yourself. ;)

Haha. There is nothing more annoying than listening to someone struggle to play the correct notes on a piano. At least, there isn't for me. Maybe it's because I had to deal with three different siblings and their relentless practicing. Now they get to deal with it while it's ME who practices. :) Except for Barrett. Lucky duck is on a mission in California. ;)

I'm hoping that I get to go see Breaking Dawn soon. We finally had our Twilight marathon the other day, and you know what? It sucked. Vampire Diaries has ruined Twilight for me. Vampire Diaries is so much better. I like that I'm obsessed with that show. Weird, I know - but I do. I don't watch t.v. anymore - ever - and it's been nice having that to look forward to. My book has suffered because of it, though. I've only written a few chapters in the past week. Yikes. Oh! We're going to be having an "adult sleepover" (totally NOT what it sounds like) on Saturday night. Janelle and Sophie, (and maybe Wyatt?) are coming to stay the night and we're going to all stay up and have a Vampire Diaries marathon. Yes, I sucked them into it. (So worth it.) I love that crew. Look how cute we all are when we are hanging out!

Like the Turkey Day border? ;) (From left to right: Wyatt, Aubrey, Hailee, Milo, Yours Truly, and Sophie.) I love those people. We'll be spending Thanksgiving at their house, I guess. I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to the sleepover, too. It's been YEARS since I've done anything like that. Last time I did, I was . . . 19?? Maybe younger . . .

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

A Super Musical Post. ;)

So . . . Friday was my second piano lesson. I made a recording of me (attempting at) playing the song I'm learning. I'm gonna take you guys on this journey with me. Feel free to laugh - I totally would (and do). ;)

Also, I'm going to attempt to attach a playlist of ten songs I think everyone should know exist. Super good songs.

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Song for Sunday

Okay, so here is the song that we threw together. It's too bad the piano is so overpowering in this recording. It's also too bad that the sound quality is so poor. Oh well, you get the idea. And some of you can catch the live show on Sunday. ;)

(It starts with Aubrey singing her solo, then I do mine, then we come together in the end.)

What do we want? Procrastination! When do we want it? . . . Next week .

Last Sunday I agreed to sing in church this coming Sunday. And then I forgot about it. Super. It's Thursday night, and I'm about to go throw something together. Aubrey is going to sing with me, so that actually takes a little of the pressure off. Hopefully I'm well enough now that I can actually carry a tune. If not, I apologize to those of you in my ward. ;)

Also, last week I started piano lessons. I took them when I was younger, and I do alright, but I wanted a "refresher" course. I forgot about that, too, so I haven't practiced. Gah! It's not like I have any good excuses. I sat around and watched Vampire Diaries too much. lol. Time to get with the program!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sharing is Caring.

Okay - I'm becoming obsessed with The Vampire Diaries. Seriously . . . I need to stop watching it. I've accomplished next to nothing over the past few days. Of course, I've been sick, but still. I'm in love with that series. Click Here if you've never seen the show and would like to see what it's about. (That trailer is really more for season 2, but it gives you an idea of what the show is about).

I have a couple of new favorite songs to share.

Click Here

Click Here

And Here

Enjoy! :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Super fun night. . . . . Wait . . . .

Last night was pretty sucky. I went to bed at 11:00 p.m. feeling . . . normal, I guess, but I woke up at 1:30 feeling super nauseous. I sat up in bed for a few seconds, hoping it would pass, but no such luck. I was sick from 1:30 until about 4:00 a.m.. It wasn't very much fun, but I admit that it wasn't the sickest I've ever been. I ended up sitting on the couch with a bucket and a rag and watched more episodes of Vampire Diaries since sleeping was not an option. Not the worst night ever, but definitely sucky.

This morning I feel like someone has taken rubber bands and strung them along all of my muscles, pulling them tight so I can't easily extend any of them. I'm also super sore. And weak! Ugh, I could barely even tear a cardboard box apart to start a fire. Haha.

The million dollar question is, did I catch a bug (I just had a flu shot - it's not the flu) or did I get sick because I broke my cardinal rule - eating after 8 pm . . . ? I was super hungry (that's what I get for being busy and not eating at dinner time), so I went downstairs and ate what was leftover from dinner. It was this egg casserole thing. I liked it cold so I didn't bother to heat it up. Hmmm . . . . I'm betting I caught a bug, but who knows.

Anyway, my book (the one that doesn't suck) is coming along. I'm really excited about it. I let a friend read it. She says she couldn't put it down and she's not much of a reader, so that's good. My parent's loved it, but they're my parents. Of course they're gonna love it. Hopefully I can publish it someday and all of you can tell me what you think about it. ;)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Work out? Or freak out?

I woke up this morning feeling kind of . . . blah. It wasn't a great night. It was full of really strange nightmares. I don't even really remember them, I just remember they were scary.

Today marks day one of me trying to get my sister to work out with me. (Not Aubrey - although, she doesn't usually want to work out with me, either). Anyway, I woke up, washed my face, brushed my teeth (even though I'll be repeating those things in the shower here in about an hour) and went to wake up Hailee. She was all cool with getting up (thinking we'd be going downstairs to watch more episodes of The Vampire Diaries), but then I made the mistake of using the word "workout". Her reaction went like this:

"(In a whiny tone:) Uuuuhhhhhh . . . I didn't sleep very much last night. I probably only fell asleep like twenty minutes ago."

                                    (Me:) "Okay then, I'm starting the show without you."

"Wait, are you watching Vampire Diaries?"


"Okay, I'm coming."

                                                "Right after I work out."

(She closes her eyes again.)

                                                "Come on, let's go. You won't regret it."

Aaannnnnddd . . . she's still in bed. I'm going to go drag her out by her ankles and MAKE her workout with me. Which is going to be both difficult and dangerous. She'll be freaking out when I attempt it. What is with every one's reluctance to workout? I think working out is a lot of fun! Of course, when I first started, it was Hell. Haha.

Alright, I'm off to yank her out of bed now. Wish me luck!

(PS, I'm actually kinda hooked on the Vampire Diaries show now. Turns out I do, in fact, like it.)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Vampire Diaries vs. Twilight. Too much in common?

I just discovered the show "Vampire Diaries" today. I'll be honest: I can't decide what I think about it. I mean, I watched a couple of episodes, so clearly it was at least mildly interesting, but it's so much like Twilight . . . I just don't know what to think. I do, however, think the actor (the evil one - Ian something) is super, super hot . . . so . . . that helps. Ultimately I'll probably end up liking the show.

Speaking of Twilight, I have a confession. I'm a big fan. I loved the books and I love the movies. I'll be honest, I wasn't in love with the way Twilight was written. I thought it was full of cliche's and . . . basically poor writing, and that was difficult for me to get passed, but once I did, I LOVED the story line. I read the entire series in less than a week because the movie was coming out in less than a week and I wanted to read the series before seeing the movie. (At the time, I had connections at Edwards, so I didn't have to pay to see any of the movies. I miss that.)

The new Twilight movie comes out soon, as I'm sure most of you know. I'm SUPER psyched. Super, super. In fact, my mom, sisters and I are planning on having some friends over some time soon and having a Twilight marathon in preparation for the new film. It'll be epic. I'm not even ashamed to admit to such nerdy behavior. That's how much I love it. ;)

I wonder how many people learned to spell "Twilight" simply from the movies/books. Let's face it - it's a hard word to spell.

Okay, Ian Somerhalder. That's the sexy guy's name. He was also on "Lost", which I LOVED. I own the whole series. Isn't he sexy? Notice that he fits my little pattern?

Yep. Dark hair and blue eyes. I'm a sucker for that combination. (I don't know who to give credit to for the photo. It was already saved on this desktop for some reason. Haha).

Friday, November 11, 2011

New favorite song. ;)

I have a new favorite song. It's catchy and hilarious. And Jed C., if you happen to read my blog . . . you should know that my whole family thinks this should be your theme song. We all thought of you. Haha.

Click here. :)

I also really like this one.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Aubrey and I sing.

Aubrey and I decided to record ourselves singing "Wonderful World" to her playing the Ukulele. I wasn't dressed and had no makeup on, so I opted out of being featured in the video(s). Aubrey was reluctant at first, but ultimately agreed to be the star. :) The videos are sideways - I'm aware - but there's nothing I can do about it. Sorry. Also, these were recorded with a cell phone, so . . . not the greatest sound quality.

I'm singing Harmony and she's got the Melody. Enjoy!


Road Rage.

I don't suffer from road rage. I'm a very calm and rational driver. Usually. There are only two things that a fellow driver can do that will down-right infuriate me - every time.

The first is when someone hurries to pull out in front of me (even if I'm the only car coming for miles), but then travels LESS than the speed limit. Oh. My. Gosh. Soooo annoying.

The second (which happened to me today) is when someone goes 10 miles or less under the speed limit, but won't let you pass. For example: The guy I was following today was doing 45 in a 55 and showed no signs of intending to speed up - until I was free to pass him. I turned on my blinker, pulled out into the other lane and hit the gas. Annnd so did he. Before long I was going nearly 80 trying to get around him. I probably should have just backed off and let him stay in front of me, but I was SO PISSED! What an @$$ hole! Once I finally did get around him, I pulled an equally jerk move and slowed down to exactly 53. He rode my tail for about 2 miles before he finally gave up and backed off. Then I sped up a little. Ugh. Some people!

I was driving to Driggs to take my sister some pants because she had torn a hole in the inner thigh area of the ones she was wearing. Shortly after the A-Hole driver turned off the road I got this text from Aubrey:

You almost here?



                             I'm passing the drive-in.

Okay. I'm almost out of class.

                             Okay. I'm just pulling into Driggs.

Otay. :p





                             By Kwik way.






Oooooooooooookkkkkkkkaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy. Okay!

                            Okay. I'm here.

Okay. I'm coming.

                            Oh oh oh okay.

Then she calls me:

Hey, where are you?

                            In a handicapped parking spot.

Oh. You're in the Freshman parking lot?

                            Yeah. Where did you want me to be?

No, that's fine. I just thought you'd be out front.

                             Do you want me to be out front?

No. There's buses there.


Oh, remember how I was all excited to have my computer back yesterday? Yeah  . . . five minutes after I plugged it back in and started messing around on it, this happens:
The screen freezes up, then my cursor disappears, then the screen goes black. It takes a few seconds, the picture comes back and this message appears : Display driver AMD driver stopped responding and has recovered.

GRRRRRRR!!!!!! Seriously??? Gah!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How to Become a Famous Blogger.

I get my computer back today. The guy who has fixed it all three times said that he played around on it for two hours - watching videos, playing video games - and that everything was working smoothly. Hooray! I have to wonder, though, if he went through any of my files. That could be . . . awkward. I doubt he did. They have you sign something that guarantees they won't. And . . . He's a super nice guy. He even gave me his number. Haha.

Since my computer has been MIA, I've done a lot of reading (as apposed to writing). I read three books in the three days it's been gone. None of them were super great. I'm not sure if I'd recommend them or not. I've been thinking about re-reading the Hunger Games series. THOSE books I would recommend. Love, love, love, love, love, love.

I recently figured out how to become a famous blogger thanks to one of my friends who had this picture:


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Good News, Bad News

The bad news is: I think I'm getting a cold. It's finally catching up with me. The concept of "sweating it out" is super effective, but with my sore Glute, I'm unable to work up an adequate sweat. I think this cold is going to catch up with me.

The good news is: I got a new job! The job I applied for a while back finally opened up and I no longer have to serve sandwiches! Whoot! I also get to get out of the valley and don't have to face the winter here. Don't get me wrong, I love the valley, but I'm excited to be moving.  My last day is actually Friday. Fortunately, we've been training a third manager for a while now, so that person will be able to take over for me. I'm super excited!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Workout Fail.

So . . . this morning I pulled my Gluteus Maximus while doing my lunges. Ugh. At the time it was happening I noticed a slight pinch/burn, but it wasn't very painful so I finished out the set. It wasn't until I started with my squat rotations that I noticed my rear-end was in a decent amount of fiery pain. I unfortunately didn't get to finish my full workout AND I had to come home early from work. Lame. Normally I wouldn't mind the extra day off and I'd take advantage by getting in an extra workout, but without being able to move a lot, there isn't much to do. I think I'm going to take tomorrow off, too - just in case. That means I'll have a small paycheck. :(

You know what's crazy? Writing out and signing your own paychecks. Maybe that doesn't seem so crazy to some people, but it's weird to me.

Funny story: After I got home from work, I decided to build a fire because it's flipping cold in the house. (Btw, I have gotten excellent at building amazing fires!) Anyway, as I'm standing in front of the stove, stoking the fire, I look out the window at the giant horses our neighbors are keeping in our back pasture, and I wonder how bad it would suck to get bucked off of one of them. It reminded me of the only time I've ever been bucked off of a horse in my life. I was around 10(ish) when it happened. The horse that threw me was part Quarter horse and part Shetland pony. She had the temperament of the pony (which is to say she was mean!). She had thrown my dad once before and he had torn a bunch of the ligaments in his shoulder. It required surgery to fix. Anyway, I remember walking her out of the corral when she started freaking out and crow-hopping. Everything turned white and time slowed down until everything was moving in slow motion. It was crazy. I remember yelling for help and seeing my dad and grandpa slowly (but not really - it was just the way it seemed) making their way towards me and the bucking horse. Next thing I knew, my butt was out of the saddle and I was falling towards the ground. I smacked my head and hip on big rocks and the wind was knocked out of me. I remember trying to say "I can't breathe". Then it all went white. Next thing I remember, I was laying on the couch, my feet up on the arm and my grandma was next to me. I wanted to ask her how long I had been lying there, but I was crying too hard. Later that day my dad told me the horse lost about 80 lbs when she bucked me off. I remember being super impressed by that.

Today, as I was stoking that fire . . . something hit me. That 80 lbs she lost . . . was me. Haha!

Sunday, November 6, 2011


I've decided I want to go to Florida in the spring - probably April. I haven't been in years. Here's what made me make up my mind that I'm going:

and . . .

Yep. Snow and ice. This summer went by faster than any summer. Ever. I'm definitely going to Florida in the spring.

Anyway . . . My mom, Aubrey and I were all playing marbles when Aubrey challenged me to lick the bird poop off of the window. I told her I'd do it if she'd pay me the $55 she owes me immediately after. (I was of course lying - I wouldn't lick bird crap.) The conversation went like this:

Me: Since when did a little bird poop hurt anyone?

                    Aubrey: I don't know. You tell me. Did it hurt you when that bird pooped in your mouth?

Me: It didn't poop in my mouth. It pooped on my shoulder. And one pooped on my head . . . . .  down my face.

                                      Mom: That was so funny! I was trying so hard not to laugh!

Me: I was soooo angry! I was trying to feed that bird, and it crapped on my head. . . . Lesson learned.

(Birds are evil.)

Typically birds like me. I've fed plenty of wild ones right out of my hand. There's just those few who feel it's necessary to do their business on me, I guess. Haha.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Icy Roads = Pure Evil!

It snowed today. Ugh. I'm just not ready for this stuff. Icy roads = pure evil.

My family and I all traveled to Idaho Falls (I went along to drop off my computer to be fixed. I don't know what I'm going to do without it for a few days!). Anyway . . . we all went to Idaho Falls, and there were two cars that had gone over the edge on the pass (in different places - one at the beginning of the pass, and one closer to Swan Valley). So scary. I'm pretty sure that one of them was a fatality. There were easily 20 police vehicles at the scene. It makes me sick to think about what that person's (or those people's) last experience was like. I can't even imagine how terrifying it would be to go over the edge of a cliff like that. Seriously - it makes me so sick to think about. My prayers are with the families of those involved.

If only people could learn to slow down. It's winter now, people. You can no longer get away with traveling 70 mph over the pass - or anywhere with icy roads for that matter. (I'm not saying that the people in the accidents were guilty of those speeds - but we certainly encountered a few cars that were.) Slow down! Better to get there late than never!!

Anyway, as I mentioned - my computer is now back in the "care" of the Geek Squad. I really hope they can fix it this time. And that it doesn't cost me another $50+. Seriously! Ugh! Luckily there is another computer in the house, but I can really only use it for the Internet, which means I won't be able to work on my book(s) for a few days. I'm already going through withdrawals. Writing is the bomb-diggity. Everyone should try it! There's not much better than watching characters you've created go through their individual journeys (which you also created). The whole process is just a blast!

Treasures of the back of my closet.

I'm taking my computer in to be fixed (again) in the morning. It's still freezing up on me and it's driving me crazy! I hope they can fix it in a few hours. Going without a computer for a few days at a time was brutal the last two times they "fixed" it. This time they had better get it right! Third time's a charm, eh? I guess we'll see.

About a week ago, I was going through my closet and I found these babies:

I remember buying them a while ago, but I had never worn them. So . . . I wore them to church on Sunday. Haha.

My sister wore her cowgirl boots.

Oh, yeah! ;)

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Today I have wanted to eat everything . . . so bad! Why? Because I've set a goal to lose some weight by Christmas. This is of course the WORST time to set that goal, with Halloween and Thanksgiving, but I'm doing it anyway. The only problem is for the first couple of days of my starting a diet, I want to eat everything simply because I know I shouldn't. Good thing I'm a healthy eater normally anyway. Things like pizza or fast food never tempt me . . . Until I decide I'm dieting. Haha. Working at Subway today with all that food (and those cookies!) was torture! Good thing I have amazing self control!

Most people just snack when they are dieting and that (supposedly) helps them. It doesn't help me. Snacking is my worst enemy. I have to just decide what I'm going to eat and when and stick to it! Though, I do love snacks! ;)

Here's a list of my top 5 favorite snacks (yes, I'm going backwards):

5) Avocado on whole wheat toast (with just a touch of salt)
4) Sliced apples dipped in vanilla yogurt (I prefer Activia)
3) Herbal tea with milk and honey (my fav: Moroccan Mint - and yes this counts as a snack)
2) Raw broccoli dipped in just a tiny bit of ranch or BBQ . . . or both (don't knock it til you try it)

And my number one favorite snack . . . .

1) Fresh popped popcorn and honey butter. (It can't be from a bag.) It's best if you use two parts honey to one part butter. It reminds me a lot of caramel popcorn. Oh so yummy!!

Btw - Subway cookies are unfortunately delicious. You all should come in and buy some so I'm not tempted to eat them. ;)


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Blonde or Brunette?

Lately I can't decide what to do about my hair color. And by "lately" I mean for like the passed year. I used to be blond, but then I had to let all of that grow out when I had radiation, and I just have never dyed it back light. I can't decide whether I like being a brunette or not . . . Do any of you have any opinions? I'd really love some input. If I were to dye it back blond, I'd probably wait until spring to do it . . . yes . . ??

Here are a couple of pictures to compare . . .

I realize that neither of those pics are in color . . . but that's the best I have to work with. Also - the one of me as a blond was taken 9 years ago (wow), so . . . maybe that explains some things (like the super small eyebrows and poor makeup job). The other one was taken a few weeks ago (note the much better eyebrows and makeup, haha).

 . . . Are my lips fuller now? Maybe . . .

Anyway, I have to be up super early for work - as always. I don't even know why I'm still awake. I was SO ready for bed at 7:30. After playing Just Dance 3 (which we rented after realizing just how awesome it is) and doing one more workout for the evening, I'm super beat. I guess it's time for bed for me. But not before I share THIS song. I love Imogen Heap. <3 (What kind of name is that, though??)

Celebrity Crushes

Wow. I did a workout yesterday that really has my butt sore today. Like, literally my butt. I'm not sure what move did it, but boy did it do it. Haha.

Last night I was talking with a friend about celebrity crushes and I realize that I haven't had very many. Sure, I've had mini crushes on Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Leonardo DiCaprio and the rest like them (who hasn't?), but I haven't had very many real celebrity crushes. Just two in fact.

Elijah Wood

I am actually mildy ashamed to admit that one of those crushes was Elijah Wood. I'm not sure why I'm ashamed of that exactly. He is cute . . . I don't know. Anyway, I liked him for about a year when I was like - 18. Lol.

Brendan Fraser

Brendan Fraser was . . . more than just a crush for me. Man - I was obsessed  with the guy. I even have a tragic story about him.

The story is: My friends all wanted to go skiing at Grand Targhee, but my family and I were all supposed to be going to Salt Lake City, so I said I wouldn't be going skiing. Well, at about 11 a.m., my parents decided that they didn't want to go to SLC after all. My friends tried to convince me to come up and go skiing for a half-day, to which I said no thank-you (because I was grumpy about not going to SLC). Later that day, my friends all call me to tell me that they met my celebrity crush - Brendan Fraser. I was horrified! It was SO awful! Then, another friend hears the story, feels bad for me, and invites me out to lunch at O'Rourkes. Feeling sorry for myself, I decline his invitation. Later that night, that friend says that he saw Brendan at O'Rourkes. Haha! Suuuuucked.

Anyway, I was obsessed with Brendan for 3 or 4 years, for real! Crazy. 

Here are a few more celebrities that I also find attractive. Does anyone notice what ALL of these guys have in common?

James Roday

Matt Dallas

Gerard Butler

Patrick Dempsey

Have you figured out what they all have in common yet?

(They all have dark hair and blue eyes. Mmmm.)