Monday, June 3, 2013

Let's Play Catchup.

I have developed an extraordinary talent for not blogging for long periods of time. My last blog talked about a BBQ I was dreading going to. Just for the record: It was actually a ton of fun!

I'm obviously back home in Idaho now (since it's now JUNE! Holy crap, where does the time go??). I came back at the perfect time (May 10th). I haven't seen snow one time. :) It has, however, been raining. A lot. But it's not snow, so I'll take it!

I'll quickly get you up to date on what's happened in the past month or so. First of all, the rest of my trip to Florida was awesome and a ton of fun. I got plenty of sun; I saw Iron Man 3 in 3D at the Beach Theatre (by myself); I saw a manatee, a baby sting ray, heard rumors of sharks and sea turtles at the beach (though I never saw any myself); I read quite a few books once I made it through Huck Finn (a total of 7, I think); I did a few drawings and I even did another painting (shocker!); and I made a new friend on the plane ride home.

That story: I was traveling with a broken tailbone (or whatever is wrong with it) and it was killing  me. Fortunately, for the 5 hour plane ride I had the entire row to myself, so I was able to lay across the row and give my tailbone (and myself) a rest. Naturally (after only 3 hrs of sleep the night before) I fell asleep. Next thing I know, I'm waking up to the sound of a guy and a girl talking about small dogs somewhere behind me. That's when I looked down and realized Levi wasn't in his bag. Apparently he had just barely crawled out and went immediately to the girl in the row behind me, which led to us having a lengthy conversation (we talked for almost 2 straight hours). It turns out that she and I have very much in common; both in the way we think and the experiences we've had in our lives. It was fun to meet her.

Anyway, since I've been home not much new has happened. My little brother comes home in something like 6 weeks. That blows my mind. I can't believe that much time has passed.

I've gone on a number of dates, but there's been no major chemistry with any of them so far. Next weekend I'm supposed to be going zip lining with a date, so hopefully that will be fun. I'm sure it will be. (Why wouldn't it?)

Oh! I also am redoing the bedroom in my parents house that I occupied for a while. I'm super excited! I'm putting new carpet in, stripping the wallpaper off and repainting (right now the entire room is purple), and I bought super cute bedding and some wall decals to go with. All I need now are curtains and that room will be pretty freakin' adorable! And the best part is I will have spent less than $600 on it by the time it's done! Not too shabby!

School is going great. Straight A's so far (that shouldn't be changing anytime soon). My favorite class this semester is Anthropology. I'm really digging it. The professor has lectures for us to listen to kind of like a podcast, and I think it's great! He's got a lot of character in his voice, so the lectures are almost never dry. I'm almost sad that I crammed this class into a summer semester because the class only lasts for 8 weeks instead of 16. I need to take Math during the summer and get that shiz over with. Haha.

I got my temple recommend renewed (finally!). I'm headed out tomorrow, actually. I'm really excited. It's been far too long. I think I sorta jumped the tracks there last year for a bit. I guess I just wanted some "freedom". It's funny how much closer to God those times of "freedom" can bring you, isn't it? Not only was last year's experience a testimony builder, but I discovered sushi (the real stuff) and folf. I'd say 2012 wasn't too shabby of a year; even if I was off course there for a bit. Hopefully I can keep things on course for the year 2013 and have another great year! (And same goes for all of you!)

Here are a few pics in closing:

A few more pics from Florida:

A turtle I drew with watercolor pencils and the painting I did of a dolphin:

Pics with my sisters on Mother's Day (You may notice my hair is dark. This was completely by accident. My sister colored it for me and it turned out BLACK. It wasn't her fault, it was mine, and it was AWFUL! I cried for like an hour. But it faded to this really pretty dark brown and now I LOVE it!):

And Aubrey and I having some fun with Photobooth:


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