Saturday, June 2, 2012

Still Soft.

I went out and rode my parent's new horses today. I don't think I've been on a horse since I was 15 (maybe even a couple of years younger than that). It was kinda fun. I don't know that I'm going to go hit any trails with one anytime soon, but it wasn't too bad riding one around the pasture. I even got up the nerve to lope her.

You have to understand, I was thrown from a horse when I was really young and it scarred me. I know that you're supposed to just "get back up and right back on", but I totally didn't. Here is the experience from my perspective:

I'm out riding my horse, Sadie. I had been riding her around the corral, but decided to take her out onto the gravel road while I was waiting for my grandpa and my dad to get their horses saddled so we could go for a ride. Well . . . Sadie (aka Satan) decided that she had had enough of me being on top of her and she started crow hopping. I, in a panic, drop the reigns and that's when everything turns white and starts moving in slow motion. I look over to my dad, yell "help" and watch as he slowly (though not really -- it just seemed like it) made his way toward me.

Anyway . . . I ended up hitting my head and my hip on rocks and woke up on the couch already crying. I had apparently gone into shock. That was my horse riding story. (Have I told this one on here already? Seems like I have . . .)

So . . . it was fun and interesting to get back on a horse today. Especially because she is a little spirited. Woohoo.

Also . . . I have been working my @$$ off and I'm finally starting to see some results. I still have a ways to go, but I am feeling a little better about life. Brace yourselves . . . I'm going to show you some pics of my abs. (I'm wearing my belly-dancing outfit. Haha.)

So . . . as you can see by that first pic, I still have quite a bit of "meat" around my hips and stomach that I need to shed. I'm flexing in the second pic so I don't look AS soft (but still obviously soft). Sorry the quality on them is so bad. They were taken in a mirror in a basement with low lighting. That's the best I could do. :-/ Oh! Also . . . no, I didn't cut my hair. Yes, it still touches my hip bones. It's pulled up a little ways in that second pic. ;)

Alright. I'm going to go call a boy!

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