Thursday, November 15, 2012

Manager? Yes. But not of Stress.

With as many talents as I have, I have to say that stress-management is not really one of them. I'm about 2 challenges away from a large dose of Prozac! Haha.

Today at 8:30 I have a phone orientation that should last anywhere from one to two hours. I'm going to be taking over my parent's little drug testing business they have here in the Valley. They haven't had time to take on a lot of clients and grow it. I plan to change that.

I have an appointment in Idaho Falls at 2. I hope the roads are okay.

At some point I need to call ISU and make sure I'm all set to enroll in my classes on Sunday/Monday. (I'm not exactly sure which day. Just one more reason I need to call them.)

I start work back up at Targhee tomorrow. I haven't purchased a shuttle ticket yet and my tires are baaaad. I am a little nervous about the drive in the morning.

I need to call and schedule a total of 11 drug testings and the majority of those have to be done on Saturday between whenever I get off work and 5 p.m. Then I have another one to do Monday morning at 7 a.m. I may just need to ask for Saturday and Monday off at Targhee so I can get those drug testings and school all taken care off.

I desperately need to fast today. (I must've eaten something not gluten free yesterday and I'm all bloaty and hurty.) With all this stress, though, I'd give my right arm for some dark chocolate and/or sushi.

I know that little list doesn't seem like a lot, but I was up a lot throughout the night thanks to various nightmares that all had to do with that stress. Ahhhhhhhhh!

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