Saturday, May 19, 2012

I'm Home!

I'm back at home and ready to get back to my usual routine. I've had a pretty awesome two weeks. I'm not sure I could even remember everything that we did to blog about it. I know we went to the museum in Idaho Falls and the Museum of the Rockies in Bozeman. We went and saw The Avengers in 3D at Edwards. That was my first 3D movie experience. And it. was. awesome. We also played "folf" a couple of times for my first time. I was into it. I sucked pretty bad, though. Which is a little surprising considering I'm pretty good at Ultimate Frisbee . . .

I took a few photos while Zach and I were together. Here are a few of them.

These two pictures were taken at the Idaho Falls museum. I can't remember what day we went on, but immediately after our arrival, 3 bus loads of elementary students showed up and swarmed the place. We took refuge in the Eagle Rock exhibit until they cleared out enough for us to make a bee-line for the exit. Haha.

These next two pictures were taken at the Museum of the Rockies in Bozeman. I didn't take any photos inside since there were signs asking me not to. ;) The bottom picture is Zach trying to duck out of the shot. He's adorable. Zach took me to the Planetarium in the museum even though he had already been. I'm not sure that he had a fabulous time doing so, but I'm glad we went. I enjoyed myself. (Thanks, babe . . . if you read this.)

These next pictures are of the pond near Zach's apartment. It's gorgeous there. I could definitely see myself living in Bozeman, no problem. Technically this is (Belgrade?), though. Belgrade? I think that's the name . . . Anyway . . . these are the pics:

A couple of days into my trip there we decided to go on a simple hike. I had started getting sick with what I imagine was a stomach bug the night before, and on the morning of I really, really wanted to puke, but I went anyway. I ended up having to take it pretty easy because nausea kept becoming an issue, but Zach was a good sport about it even though I totally ruined his hike. Here are a couple of pictures from that. They start out at the bottom of the hill. You can see the "M" on the mountain. That's where we hiked to (to the top of that "M").

I always thought Thai food was my favorite (and it's still way, way up there), but I now know for sure that Sushi is in fact my most favorite food. And my boy is a bit of an expert in the field. He took me to the Sushi place in Idaho Falls on Holmes and ordered for both of us (since I had no idea what I was doing). Oh, man. Amazing. Then we ate Sushi a couple more times at a great little place in Bozeman called Dave's Sushi. $75 for one lunch (for both of us). Whaaa??? Crazy. But soooo worth it. Here are just a few more random pictures of my trip in Bozeman, including one of the Sushi. ;)

If you want to get technical . . . this was our "first date". It lasted just over two weeks and cost about $2000. I have to admit that about two hours after arriving back home, I actually started to feel "homesick" for Bozeman and Zach's company. Is that normal? It's not normal for ME. It almost freaked me out a little bit. I say "almost" because I sat myself down and allowed myself to just feel without putting my normal, stupid barrier up. And I realized that I really care for that boy. And I'm a little sad that our date is over. But I take comfort in knowing that he has invited me to his buddy's wedding the end of June, so I'll be seeing him again here shortly. There was some stuff that went down right before I came home, so I was a little surprised that my feelings were so strong. (Long story.)

This much is for sure, though: I really, really like that boy.

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