Sunday, September 16, 2012

Oh, the things I've done.

Things I've done in the past few days:

-Dehydrate Bananas. This is about as "domestic" as I get. Normally.
-Clean out and rearrange nearly EVERY cupboard in my mother's kitchen. I've been house sitting. And it's been boring.
-Read 2 (yes, TWO) books.
-Hauled wood from one pile to another using a wheelbarrow when I could have used a trailer. I desperately needed to do something "active". For the record: my parents yard is uphill leading to the porch, so I had to push the wheelbarrow uphill and then carry the wood up the stairs and to the far end of the porch. I'm surprised I never got sore, honestly.
-Watched "The Woman in Black" with three teenagers while babysitting them.
-Locked the keys in my car while babysitting those same three teenagers and had to get a ride back to Victor for all of us.
-COOKED! Whaa??? I know. Crazy. But I had to. (Babysitting, remember?)
-Played Skyrim. Yes, I caved and bought it. Ugh.
-Worked on my book, but not nearly enough. (Damn you, Skyrim!)
-Gave myself a complete pedicure. It took over an hour.
-Gave Aubrey a complete pedicure/manicure. It took just under two hours. I guess I decided I should do SOMETHING with my degree in "nail technology". Haha.

Want to know what I didn't do?


Not once. And it sucks. I get to go back on Wednesday. In the meantime I'm playing this "domestic" role full-time. Like I said, I'm "babysitting" my baby sis while my parents are in Florida. (Btw, if you are some creeper getting ideas about us being home "alone", just shake those thoughts from your disgusting mind right now. I have a gun. And I'm good with it.)

Anyway, Aubs and I have been hanging out--just the two of us (and my gun)--for a week now. The Mattson kids came to stay the weekend with us and we rented The Woman in Black. That was an interesting couple of hours. If I wasn't feeling so lazy, I'd share the story. But I'm feeling too lazy. I will tell the story about locking my keys in my car, though.

After watching said movie, the teens and I all headed to Driggs to clean and close the laundromat. I left the keys in the Cadillac (because it's a force of habit--I do every time I clean the place), but Milo accidentally hit the lock button as we got out of the car. We didn't notice until about 10:30 (pm), soooo I had to ask an employee from Subway to drive us home. Which she did. (Thank-you!) It's kind of funny because as we were standing outside of the car I was thinking, hmmm, this sucks. I wonder what we're going to do. I looked around at the kids and realized that I was the adult in the situation. It was me that was expected to get us home. It's not that I'm not used to responsibility. It was just a weird moment. I'm really not sure why. Annnd that's that story . . .

Remember how I mentioned I cooked? It's true. Shocking, I know. But here's a little fact for you all that I usually try and keep well hidden:

I am actually a really great cook. Like, really good. Only problem is, I HATE to do it, so that talent is completely wasted on me. That's why the whole "vegan" thing suits me so well. It's not that I'm lazy, because I LOVE to clean. I just hate cooking. Period. Noooo idea why. In fact, if someone forces me to cook when I don't want to I tend to intentionally screw it up just so they won't ask again. Ridiculous, I know. But that's life. I don't intend to cook ever again unless I decide to get remarried and my husband demands it. Haha.

Oh! I finally took a picture of my ski gear! Check it out . . .

I even have a really cute, matching grey turtleneck and warm, thick, white pants. :) (I was wearing them, but you obviously can't see them under my coat and snow pants.) Here it is from the back.

I'm not dreading snow this year. It's kinda nice . . .

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