Monday, April 15, 2013

Metallic Turtle

For those of you out there who say Jillian Michaels workout videos are "too easy" I say to you: You aren't putting enough effort into them! If you focus on your form and really give it 110%, those workouts are stellar!

I just got done with her 20 minute kickboxing video. I did workout number 1, which focuses on upper body, and I am practically puking sweat! When I do the video in Idaho I get plenty sweaty, but not like here. I love Florida for that reason. I feel like I get such a killer workout because of how fast I sweat and how MUCH I sweat. Love, love, love!

Anyway, I think I'll spend the rest of the day reading/doing homework. I may go down to the pool for an hour or so, or I may not. I still have about 3 weeks here and I'm already pretty friggen tan. I don't want to get TOO tan. We'll see how I feel around noonish.

I've done one drawing since coming here. My grandma bought me a bunch of new things at Michaels. She got me a black paper drawing pad, a multi-media drawing pad (good for pretty much any type of medium you wish to use--pencils, charcoals, graphite, ink, watercolor, etc.), a set of metallic colored pencils to use on the black paper, and some graphite pencils to use on the other. I gave the metallic pencils a shot and this is what I got. (I'll post the progression pictures, as per tradition.)

And . . . here is the finished product:

Now before you get to making sarcastic comments in your head like, Hmm . . . yeah . . . very nice, let me explain. I have never worked strictly with color before. I do mostly charcoal and pencil work. Black and white is much easier to work with in my opinion, and it takes far less time, too. Even though this drawing is NOT by ANY MEANS something to be very proud of, I am proud of it because it's the product of my first attempt at using pure color. I'm sure that with a little practice I can start pumping out some pretty good pieces.

On a completely different topic, remember how I said I went back through and read a bunch of old blog posts for fun a few days ago? It's funny to me how many misspellings I have in my posts. I even misspelled the word "skis", TWICE in one post. (I spelled it "skiis".) Baha. Funny. That's what I get for never proof reading before posting. :)

Alright . . . I'm going to study for a little while. I hope everyone has a fantastic day!!

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