Thursday, April 11, 2013

Nostalgia . . .

I miss blogging. Tonight I spent a little over an hour going back and reading old posts, and it was really interesting to see where I was a year ago, 18 months ago, etc. And I miss blogging for that reason. I haven't taken the time to do it NEARLY enough lately, and that's really a shame. It's good therapy for me to capture my thoughts in any given moment and read them again months down the road.

Originally I wanted to stop writing posts in this blog that are basically diary entries, but I've changed my mind again. I want to keep my blog just the way it is. I haven't done much to advertise my posts lately, so they don't get nearly as much traffic. That's a good thing. I feel like I'm safe to say whatever I feel like saying without having to worry about who reads it. I could make my blog private, but I don't really want to do that either. I'm going to keep it exactly how it is.

Unfortunately, aside from being in Florida, not much interesting is going on in my life. There's school. My lowest grade is a 96%. I have 100% in my English class. We only have 3 weeks left, so I'm pretty sure I'll pass. :) I'm enrolled in summer courses, too. Anthropology and The History of Dance will be my classes. Should be fun, I hope. :)

They have a sushi place in Driggs now. I haven't eaten there yet, but I hear it's pretty good. With my new gluten allergy I have to be very careful about where and what I eat. It was a bit of a bummer at first, but I've embraced it and intend to use it to my benefit. It's kind of nice to not be able to eat cake or cookies when everyone else is. I mean, it sucks, but it's nice to not even have the temptation.

I haven't dated anyone in quite a while. I'm almost starting to miss it. I've been asked out a few times, but no one seems to measure up to what I'm looking for. Not that I'm overly picky. I'm not. I just want to find someone I'm compatible with. Who makes me laugh and makes me happy; who can keep up an interesting conversation and hold his own against my wit. I've been so spoiled in my last couple of relationships that it's hard to find guys who compare. I know we aren't supposed to compare new prospects with past boyfriends, but if you've found something that works, why stray from it? I suppose one could argue that it didn't work, since it is now in the past, but it would have worked if I had been up to the challenge of accepting the relationship. On all accounts. I really believe that I'm finally ready to accept a relationship. Now I just need to find the right guy again.

I have two gray hairs growing out of my head. Ugh. I'm 27. Gray hairs? Really??

And that's really all that's new.

I used to share a lot of songs I liked on this blog. I haven't done that in awhile, so here are a few that I love right now.


(Uh! I love that song!)


(And that one.)


(His voice makes me melt!)


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