Wednesday, August 8, 2012

In Common With A Banana.

Can you spot the dog in this picture?

There he is!

So my family recently discovered this game called "What's YOURS like?". It's pretty darn fun. How you play is, you pick a card and pay attention to the word written on it. For instance, the word could be something like: "House", and then you have to describe (in as subtle hints as possible) what your house is like. Meanwhile, someone tries to guess what's written on the card. So for an example of a hint, I might say, "Mine is big", or "Mine is full of electronics". It has to be something true of "yours", but you don't want it to be too obvious.

Anyway, we discovered this game and the hints that sometimes give it away are HILARIOUS. For instance: Today the card read: "shower" and my sister, Hailee, was guessing. My sister, Aubrey's, clue was: "I do something weird in mine that not everyone does" and Hailee guessed it.


(By the way, it was "brushing her teeth" - that's the "weird" thing she does. I do it too.)

Or even better: The other day we were playing with my grandparents. The card read, "Hand". My grandma was guessing. We were trying to give fairly obvious hints - "mine is part of a pair", "I use mine for nearly everything" - but she wasn't getting it. Then my grandpa says, "Mine has something in common with a banana". My grandma turns toward him. "OH! Your HAND!"


. . . Wow.

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