Saturday, August 25, 2012

My week.

I have had quite a week.

I went to Yellowstone Park with a group of co-workers from Targhee on Tuesday and had a most excellent time. However - I was nearly killed during a random hike that my boss took me on. There were five of us on the trip total, but only Lance and I cared to hike up a steep hillside to get a better view of one of the hot springs. Once we were up there, we could see two members of our party passing the walkway below us. We tried to holler at them to stop, but they couldn't hear us, so Lance decided we'd "head them off". This entailed climbing back down the mountain without following any kind of path.

I seriously was afraid for my life.

After falling once, Lance decided he would be better able to handle the steep landscape if he just "went for it", and I lost sight of him within 15 seconds once he made that decision. I, on the other hand, chose to choose my footsteps carefully and would occasionally drop to my butt to slide down a particularly steep part of the hill. I also clung to tree branches and slowly slid myself down the extremely steep parts.

No question about it: If we were to fall, we were to die. Haha.

I finally caught up to Lance while he was walking across a really large log that acted as a bridge across a little "gully" of sorts saying, "Ooohhhhhh . . . you can feel just how hollow and rotted this log is!"

Ummmm . . . . No.

I found a way to go under the log even though it required climbing down and back up some very steep places.

Ultimately we both made it to the bottom virtually unharmed. My adrenaline was sure pumping, though. About 10 minutes after getting back to the car, I was beat. Like, "time-for-a-nap" beat. But we couldn't nap yet because we still had to hike to Old Faithful. Not that that's really a "hike". Just a walk, actually. But I was tired enough that it sucked.

Our trip started at 7 a.m. and ended at 8 p.m.. So . . . that was my Tuesday.

Today we went to the boat with the Mattsons (who are considered members of our family) and a new family we just met (who is now considered family as well). The new family is from California. They know my brother since he is now serving in their area and goes to their ward. When he heard they were traveling to Utah, he told them they "had" to stop by Idaho and meet all of us. So they did. And it was awesome. I've known them less than twenty-four hours, but we were exchanging "love you's" by the time they left. That's how much our families bonded while they were here.

I had a date earlier this week. I'm going to keep the juicy details to myself, but you all can know that I really like this boy. I'm not going to start throwing "he may be the one" statements out there just yet (I did that with Z, and we all know how that turned out), but I will say that he's at least an option. And at the moment - the only option. Haha. We'll see what the future holds.

I'll post some pictures and possibly some videos later this week. If I get time. I actually don't have a day off of work until Sept. 15th, so . . . I'm going to be pretty busy.


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