Thursday, October 20, 2011

More Than You Need to Know about My Driving History

I've already posted on my blog today, but I have yet to see a rule book that declares one is not allowed to post more than once in a 24 hour period. ;) Besides, I have a crazy story to share. Okay, okay . . . It's not THAT crazy, but I still want to share it.

So, I picked my sister up from school today, and as she's getting in the car I think to myself: Hmmm. . . I wonder if I ever put my new registration stickers on my license plates. I don't actually remember doing it and my plates expired about three months ago. Two minutes later - I'm pulled over on the side of the road by the Sheriff.

I've been pulled over 7 times in my life, but only ever recieved one ticket. I (of course) was really hoping that I wouldn't get one today. The Sheriff approaches my window and informs me that my plates are expired and says that most people just forget to put the stickers on. I reach into my jockey-box and pull out the registration with the stickers still attached. He asks to see them, and then proceeds to place them on my plates for me. Then he tells me to have a nice day and gets back in his car. Yea! No ticket! Thanks Mr. Sheriff for being AWESOME! And thanks for putting my stickers on for me. :)

It was a good day. :)

Oh - The time I got a ticket was about 2 months after I got my drivers license. I was pulled over for speeding - 86 in a 55. The cop was PIIIIIISSED. And not nice. In fact, he flipped me off. Now I laugh about it, but at the time it was kind of devestating. Haha. I believe my ticket was for $108, and he told me that if I had been going just 2 more miles per hour, he would have arrested me. Yikes. Lesson learned. I never got pulled over for speeding again. The other times I've been pulled over were for (legitimately) expired plates, running a red light, twice for failing to stop at a stop sign, having a broken tail-light, (oh, wait . . .) speeding 42 in a 35 at 1 a.m., and an illegal lane change. All of which I just got warnings. They only looked at my drivers license on two of those occasions, on the others they didn't even bother. They just gave me a warning and drove away. I don't want Karma to catch up with me - it's not like I'm bragging or anything Just sharing the facts. Also, for the record: All of these time happened before I turned 20. I haven't been pulled over (until today) since.

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