Friday, October 28, 2011

(Yet another) Cancer scare.

This afternoon, as I was driving home from Rexburg, I saw a bunch of elementary kids playing on the playground (it must have been lunch time). I only had a second to watch them as I drove by, but I watched as they played in a pile of leaves - throwing them into the air and letting them rain down over their heads. It made me miss my childhood and days when things were so simple. (I have to admit that I can still have a good time playing in a pile of leaves, though)  ;)  I almost wished I could have taken a picture, but I didn't want to be THAT person.

I have been keeping a secret ALL week, and it's been driving me insane! Earlier this week I found another lump in my throat on the lower right side. It freaked me out and, even though I forced myself to not think about it until I could get into a doctor, it's caused me to be sluggish with (subconscious) stress. I went and had blood tests (which I won't see the results of until Wednesday) and an ultrasound done. I watched as the ultrasound tech did his thing and I was relieved that I didn't see anything out of the norm besides maybe a lymphnode or two that are slightly enlarged. (Is it sad when you've had enough ultrasounds done to know how to read them even though you've had no training to do so? Maybe . . .) Anyway, the tech confirmed what I believed I saw. So . . . the bottom line is that, according to the ultrasound, I don't have any new tumors or anything growing. I don't think I'll feel 100% better until the blood results come back, though.

For the record: This is my second cancer scare this year. Gah! Enough already!

Alrighty, time for work!

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