Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A trip to the Haunted Mill

*Spoiler Alert* (I am going to mention specific parts of the Haunted Mill)

Last night my mother, youngest sister, Milo, Janell and I all went to the Haunted Mill with the 2nd ward mutual. I had never been before last night, so Milo was giving me a heads-up on what to expect. (He made it sound WAY worse than it actually was). I was already tired from working ALL DAY, and that combined with Milo's version of what would happen made me wonder if I really even wanted to go through. (The only "spook alley" I've ever been to is the ride at Lagoon that runs all year long.) I'm not easily scared, but Milo made it sound like it was super taxing physically. He said we'd be chased down steep stairs by a guy with a chainsaw (didn't happen, btw), and that we'd have to crawl through super tight spaces in the pitch black (did happen).

I have to admit that I'm glad Milo warned me about the part where it looks like there's no floor (it's really just plexiglass or something) and the wall pushes you off the "ledge". That would have creeped me the eff out had I not known it was all safe. Haha.

Anyway, all-in-all it was a decent time. I'd go again.

Here's a silly (and not attractive) picture Aubrey and I took of ourselves on the way down.

Ahhh . . . Makes me laugh. :)

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