Monday, October 24, 2011

My Best Friend.

Ugh. I can't seem to fall asleep. Good thing I don't have to open in the morning. At least I (sort of) get to sleep in.

I watched the movie "Something Borrowed" today. I liked it. The dance scene in it is pretty fun. Here, see for yourself. Click here. Aubrey and I spent about 20 minutes learning and perfecting the moves. Haha. I still suck, btw. ;)

When I was younger I used to get told that I looked a lot like Kate Hudson. There was this one guy I dated for a little while who used to tell me that when I smiled, I looked just like her. I never saw it (still don't), and I definitely don't look anything like her anymore. It was all in the eyes, and as I've gotten older, my eyes have gotten wider and . . . droopier. Blah.

Anyway, back to the movie . . . I would recommend it, I guess. It's not my favorite, but it was entertaining. I really like the bond that Kate and Ginnifer's characters have in that movie. Same with the bond that Kate and Anne's characters have in "Bridal Wars". I think I feel that way because I've been fortunate enough to have a best friend like that. (Not one that tried to sabotage my wedding or sleep with my fiance, but one that knew me better than anyone). We grew up together - completely inseparable - and even though we don't keep in touch as much now as we used to, I feel like we are just as close. She's my sister. I have so many memories of us that I wouldn't trade for anything. Like the time we got chased by a cow that jumped through the barn window, or the trips we took to Utah to visit boys. All of the time we spent when we were little collecting pennies and other loose change, and then purchasing "penny candies" down at Andy's gas station. Oh man . . . or the time that we watched Ernest Goes to Jail and laughed our @$$'s off while eating Raman Noodles and drinking Snapple! (We were such dorks, but oh so cool! haha). Let's see . . . Cruising around in the grape, making up dances with your brother, me developing a crush on your brother and you putting up with it, you plucking my eyebrows for the first time, you shaving my arms for the first time (lol), all the trips to the Mall, and our double dates to the dances . . . Pierre's and our infatuation with the guy who impersonated Elvis. I don't think I learned very much in the 11th grade because I was too busy writing you a note during my boring classes that I would later pass to you in the hallway between class (and you'd do the same). I still have those notes, btw. They are in my photo album with our HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of photos.

 I love how we didn't really fit in anywhere, but we fit in everywhere at the same time. We didn't have a "click", we just floated from group to group, making friends and hanging out. People could ALWAYS hear us coming because we were ALWAYS laughing . . . LOUDLY. I remember sleep-overs -- me in my sweatsuit and "toasty-socks" with three blankets and you in shorts and a sports bra with a sheet. We'd attempt to watch a movie and I'd always fall asleep before the previews were even over. Ooh . . . singing lessons. Some of my fondest memories were of our weekly singing lessons. I miss performing with you -- in church, at the park for holidays, wherever.

Remember the time we walked that kitten with the collapsed lung all the way to the vet on a wooden board -- both of us in tears and fuming at the kid who had squished it? Or how about making "healthy salads" for the horses?

I seriously have so many fond memories and great stories! All good times. I feel really fortunate to have had friendship like that. I know that not everyone does. So, thank-you for your friendship, "Freddie-Poo". I feel honored and blessed to have you in my life. I look forward to many more years of our friendship. ;) You know I love ya!

Love, Your "Hose Head". ;)

It saddens me a little that I don't have any pictures of us together passed the age of 17. We'll be needing to fix that.

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