Saturday, February 25, 2012

Vaca Day 4

Today was a really great day. I got up with the sun and took a morning walk on the beach. Here are some pictures:

I got up nice and early this a.m. to be on the beach by sunrise. As you can see -- it was a little overcast, but the conditions were great for a morning walk on the beach. And there wasn't a crowd yet when I arrived!

The following are pictures of the many little critters on the beach.

I spent much of my time collecting sand dollars, starfish and shelled creatures that had washed up onto the beach and tossing them back into the water. Hopefully some of them stuck to the ocean floor and didn't wash back up.

By the time I left the beach an hour later, this was the crowd that had already accumulated:

It was kind of rainy today -- and I am just a tad sunburned, so I spent the day reading indoors, or I had intended to until I got a phone call that lasted 5 hours. I'm really growing to like Mr. DaVinci. He's a hoot. And 5 hours is a long-@$$ time to spend on the phone with someone. I'm surprised he could handle it. I had no problems. I can talk for EVER. Apparently -- so can he. ;)

I really wanted to watch a movie today, and I had intended to while my grandma was at the doctor, but I spent my afternoon on the phone instead. Which was actually preferable. I'm going to see if I can somehow watch the movie on this computer now, though. :)

Oh -- here's a crazy story. The hot tub jet welted my arm today. WT?? How does that happen? I have a nice bruise and welt where the water stream hit my arm for half a second. Crazy.

Alright. I'm off to bed. Peace!

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