Saturday, January 28, 2012

Have you all seen this?

Stare at the red dot for 30 seconds, then look away towards a flat/light surface and blink rapidly and repeatedly.

Most of you probably have seen it before. I'm a little "behind the times". That absolutely blows my mind! Is it just me, or does she look a lot like Beyonce?

I'm about finished with the third book of The Hunger Games (for the second time). It's taken me quite a while to knock these out this time around. But that's because I only get to read for about 15 mins right before bed each day. Which means I usually only get through a chapter or two each night.

I know I've said this like, a billion times before . . . but I really need summer to come back. It's not like I have the time or equipment to go skiing, so winter serves no purpose for me. I'm ready for the hiking and the boating and the SUN! I've still got, what? -- 6 more months of winter? Haha. (Almost, though.)

Have I mentioned I'm going to Florida in April? Technically it isn't set in stone yet, but I'm gonna make it happen! Especially if my classes start in the summer or fall. I wont' get another opportunity to go for a long time. Which reminds me -- I'm going back to ISU! Whoot! I'm going to major in Psychology and minor in English. Or something along those lines. What do you guys think? It's between Psychology and English/Creative Writing/Literature, Interior Decorating, or some sort of Art something-or-another. I keep getting encouraged to go into Law, but I don't really think that's what I want to do.

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