Friday, January 6, 2012

"Strange" Day

Today was kind of a strange day. It started off normal enough -- I got up early and went to work, but then it kind of got . . . strange. And "strange" isn't really even the right word for it.

First of all, we had to put the "family" dog, Bailey, down because her kidneys failed. I put "family" in quotes because I've had a hard time liking this dog ever since she brutally killed MY dog. Not one of my little Min Pins, but my dog I had since I was ten. She killed her last summer over table scraps. And I realize that that's just how things work in the "doggy kingdom" (Liz was very, very old), but hearing her screaming and seeing all the blood and pieces of flesh flying about while Bailey viciously tore into her has stuck with me pretty vividly. It's been hard for me to not hate her ever since. But still, I'm sad that she's gone, I guess. She was so sick these past few days that it was hard not to feel sorry for her.

Then we had company over and we watched "What Lies Beneath" -- which was super amusing because of how frightening it was to our guests with our surround sound. Or as my mother calls it: "Surround Around." (Drives me bonkers.)

Then I had some emotional flashbacks to Christmas break and this time it all made me sad. So, I've decided I'm not going to think about that guy anymore. Not right now, anyway. It's not doing me any good, so . . . on to the next thing.

I'm frustrated with myself for not having made more time to work on my book. I've barely touched it in the past few days. But, I have made time to do proper workouts, so I guess that's good.

Anyway, as you can see . . . my day wasn't actually "strange", but with all the weird emotions I have going on, that's the word that seems to fit best.

Tomorrow should be better. I have to get up super, super early  (I'm really wishing I wouldn't have gotten into the habit of staying up so late for the past few weeks) and drive to Idaho Falls. I'll be out there until around 2, I guess. Queens of Green is coming out with some new product and they'll be announcing it tomorrow, which is why I'm going out. I'm pretty excited to learn what it is.

Anyway, I guess it's time I try to sleep . . . Or try to work on my book. Either way, I need to be done with this post. ;)

In honor of Bailey:

1/1/07 - 1/6/12

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