Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday, Dumbday!

Today - in my haste to get out the door - I forgot to shut my bedroom window. When I got home this afternoon . . . it was FREEZING in my room. Seriously, it's probably about 30 degrees in here. My poor dogs are all huddled together under my feather blanket.

Today was definitely a MONDAY. And in the bad way! I got to work this a.m. only to find the place in complete disarray! It was incredibly irritating. I had to spend an hour doing the closers' job so that I could start mine. I think I kicked a garbage can across the room at some point. (This isn't the first time I've come to work and had to do a part of the closers' job. But this is the first I've had to do literally the ENTIRE thing.) Gah! It probably wouldn't have been so horrible if I had gotten adequate sleep, but that didn't happen either. Oh well. Tomorrow is Tuesday, and it will be better. Btw - Colin, if you ever read this . . . thanks for making work fun so that my day manages to get just a twinge better!

I started reading "Wuthering Heights". I can't believe I've never read it before. What's wrong with me? Anyway, it will be the first (official) book I have read on my Kindle. (I read "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, but I don't know if I count that since it's approximately 100 pages (on my Kindle, anyway) and it took me about 20 mins to read from beginning to end. If you haven't read that, I'd recommend it. It's a fast read, and the symbolism in it is really fun to spot! But, I'm a big fan of symbolism, so . . . (It's about a woman who suffers from post-partum psychosis.)

Anyway, I guess our dear friends are coming over to watch some more Vampire Diaries (we haven't done that in a while) and they have requested to borrow the cord for my computer to hook the laptop up to the tv. We are on season 3 now, and we have to Hulu it. :) BTW -- Hulu Plus . . . NOT WORTH IT! Seriously, that was the most ridiculous 8 bucks I've ever spent. The program was still loaded with commercials (I swear there were actually even MORE commercials than on the regular Hulu), and they still didn't have the episodes I wanted. I would highly recommend NOT using Hulu Plus.

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