Thursday, November 3, 2011


Today I have wanted to eat everything . . . so bad! Why? Because I've set a goal to lose some weight by Christmas. This is of course the WORST time to set that goal, with Halloween and Thanksgiving, but I'm doing it anyway. The only problem is for the first couple of days of my starting a diet, I want to eat everything simply because I know I shouldn't. Good thing I'm a healthy eater normally anyway. Things like pizza or fast food never tempt me . . . Until I decide I'm dieting. Haha. Working at Subway today with all that food (and those cookies!) was torture! Good thing I have amazing self control!

Most people just snack when they are dieting and that (supposedly) helps them. It doesn't help me. Snacking is my worst enemy. I have to just decide what I'm going to eat and when and stick to it! Though, I do love snacks! ;)

Here's a list of my top 5 favorite snacks (yes, I'm going backwards):

5) Avocado on whole wheat toast (with just a touch of salt)
4) Sliced apples dipped in vanilla yogurt (I prefer Activia)
3) Herbal tea with milk and honey (my fav: Moroccan Mint - and yes this counts as a snack)
2) Raw broccoli dipped in just a tiny bit of ranch or BBQ . . . or both (don't knock it til you try it)

And my number one favorite snack . . . .

1) Fresh popped popcorn and honey butter. (It can't be from a bag.) It's best if you use two parts honey to one part butter. It reminds me a lot of caramel popcorn. Oh so yummy!!

Btw - Subway cookies are unfortunately delicious. You all should come in and buy some so I'm not tempted to eat them. ;)


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