Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A little about this one guy . . . and some writing tricks I use

Have you guys ever had a connection with someone that was so distinct it was almost creepy? For example: You haven't touched your phone all day, but you suddenly get the urge to check it and just as you do, that person texts or calls you? Or you can be having a conversation that makes NO sense whatsoever to a third party, but you two are enough on the same wave length that you totally follow each other? Or sometimes you guys both have the exact same, completely random, thought at the same time AND you actually say it out loud at the same time?

Some people call that "Soul Mates". I don't know what I call it. I only know that I've only ever truly experienced it once. I mean, sure . . . It got to the point where I was like that with my ex-hubby, but we were together for long enough that I believe it's just because I knew him so well. This other time, I had JUST met the person. We had had maybe three conversations was all. We just clicked. It felt good to click.

Unfortunately, it didn't work out (obviously).

I've often wondered since if I will ever experience anything like that again. It'll be hard to find it a second time, I think. I mean, this guy was pretty amazing. He was sweet, charming, witty . . . and we had a lot in common. I've met plenty of sweet, charming and witty guys since him, but he was different somehow. (Cue the violins, eh? Haha.)

So, tell me people . . . Is that common? Do you know what I'm talking about - have you experienced it?

Time to work some more on my book. I'm about 100 pages in. And (maybe) a third of the way through the story . . . ? It's amazing to me how writing works. At least . . . for me, anyway. I had this idea in my head. I mapped it out using key points in the story, and then I started writing from there, knowing that I needed to eventually hit those key points in the story. All the stuff in between was a total "wing-it" job. But as I've been writing, and things happen, it alters those key points in the story, and now it's going to end in a very different way than I had originally thought it would. Well . . . it still is going to end the same, there are just a lot more elements to it. (This is tricky to explain without being able to reveal any of the plot.)

I find that the best trick is to get some key points in my head, then turn on my iPod (for some reason this works best at night, right before I fall asleep), and then I imagine the story. I see my characters as I would see them in a movie and I play out different scenarios in my mind (music is SUCH a help). Then, when I find a scenario I like to "watch", I play it over and over so I don't forget it until I can write it down. Sometimes the images are so vivid that I have to control how much detail I put into my story. (I don't want to flood it - gotta leave some room for the imagination of the reader.)

Anyway, time to get back to it. I have some time off of work this week, and I have a goal to write at least three more chapters. (Seems like it should be a quick and simple task, but it isn't. I spend a LOT of time editing and revising. That's actually what takes the longest.)

This was a long post. If you are still reading . . . thanks! Haha.


  1. I've had that happen a couple of times, but not with my husband... haha. sometimes there are just people from the past that just trigger that memory and i wonder if my life would be different if i had ended up with them instead. i don't know if i believe in soul mates, because that idea is too depressing. but i believe we can have that connection with a lot of people, male or female and if we nurture it and it grows, it can be very special, but sometimes things don't work out, not for lack of trying.

  2. It's funny that you say that, Naomi. I've heard countless people who say they wonder what life would have been like had they ended up with someone else. They are in no way implying that they are unhappy in their current relationship - just that there was someone they maybe had a stronger connection with from their past.

    There was a guy (a different one than the one I was talking about in this post) from my past that I ADORED! And to this day, I don't know what my infatuation with him was. He and didn't "click" the way I mentioned (we were really young when we met, though), but we still . . . connected. I STILL think about him on occasion and wonder how he's doing. Last I heard, he was married. I'm happy for him, but if it doesn't work out . . . I'll be looking him up. Haha. ;)

    Anyway, this whole concept is really interesting to me. Thanks for commenting!
