Thursday, November 17, 2011

What do we want? Procrastination! When do we want it? . . . Next week .

Last Sunday I agreed to sing in church this coming Sunday. And then I forgot about it. Super. It's Thursday night, and I'm about to go throw something together. Aubrey is going to sing with me, so that actually takes a little of the pressure off. Hopefully I'm well enough now that I can actually carry a tune. If not, I apologize to those of you in my ward. ;)

Also, last week I started piano lessons. I took them when I was younger, and I do alright, but I wanted a "refresher" course. I forgot about that, too, so I haven't practiced. Gah! It's not like I have any good excuses. I sat around and watched Vampire Diaries too much. lol. Time to get with the program!

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