Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The countdown begins.

I have less than a week left. :( Ugh.

My para sailing got bumped back by 23 hours. At first I was super disappointed, but after taking a second to realize just how tired I am today, I realized that maybe I'm a little relieved. Maybe I can actually get a decent night's sleep tonight so that I'll be plenty rested for it tomorrow. Plus, now it's going to happen an hour earlier than it otherwise would have . . . which I like. The view will be prettier. :)

My poor bestie is really going through some stuff with her boy and it's horrible. It's horrible because I hate to see her hurt, but it also sucks because things are SOOOO good with my boy and I just want to share that with her, but I can't because I know that it'll just be painful for her to hear how quickly and smoothly my relationship is progressing while hers is completely falling apart. But, aside from her, there's not really anybody that I feel like I could talk about him with. Besides my other beautiful bestie, but I hate to bug her too much with it because she's got a job and three kids to deal with.

So . . . I guess I'll mention it on here (which I already did). I really like where my new relationship is going. Gah! I love it. I think the best part is, I can think about it and not get all freaked out. I normally start to feel panicked because I suddenly realize that the boy could totally hurt me, but I'm not freaking out this time. And it's definitely NOT because the boy couldn't hurt me. He could. (So . . . Boy . . . please don't hurt me!) ;) It must be either because I'm just in a better place finally, or because maybe this guy is more compatible with me than anyone before him. Or maybe it's a little bit of both . . . ? Either way . . . I'm a happy girl.

I have a goal to try and fish off the dock tonight. I keep saying I'm going to do that, and then I never get around to it. Partly because I don't really love the thoughts of having to be the one who drives the hook through the live shrimp so I have bait. It makes me feel so bad . . . and they crunch. Ugh. But I really want to do it, so I'm going to. And I really should get around to doing it tonight because tomorrow is going to be a busy day. I've got para sailing at 9 a.m., then we are going out to lunch with my grandpa's cousin, then we are doing some shopping. I imagine I'll be good and tired by the time we get home from all of that.

Alright. I'm gonna head down to the pool for a little relaxation-in-the-sun time!

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