Thursday, March 15, 2012

Para Sailing!!

So . . . para sailing was AWESOME! It's pretty much exactly how I imagined it would be. I'm not sure I could find the adequate words to describe it. For those of you who have never been, I'll try my best to explain the experience. I'll start from the very beginning.

I woke up at 6 this morning, got in a workout, and then got ready for the day. I stopped to take a few silly pics . . . here's my favorite.

Then I headed to the stand on the beach and paid my money.

Then I sat around and waited for a shuttle boat to come to carry me out to the main boat. I took a few random pictures to kill some time.

As you can see . . . the weather conditions were perfect for para sailing today. :) And some lucky ducks were renting those Wave Runners, hence the reason they are being set up out there.

Finally, my shuttle boat shows up to take me to the main boat so I wade out into the water (about waist deep) and climb on board.

Okay . . . the shuttle boat driver was effing. sexy. And FLIRTY. Gah, he was flirty. I'm sure he was just being friendly, but it got to the point where I was thinking, should I tell this guy I have a bf? He was seriously hot, though. Ripped, tan, and gorgeous. If I didn't have the BEST boy EVER, then I very well may have gotten my flirt on too.

ANYwaaaay . . . He takes me out to the main boat where two more equally flirtatious gentleman greet me, strap me into a harness and life vest, and have me sit on the back of the boat were they strap me to my parachute.

I was surprised a little bit at how this all works. They first set the parachute into the wind before strapping you to it. Then they let the wind do all the work. I mean . . . I knew that was how it worked, but I didn't know what to expect exactly. As it turns out, you just sit on your butt and as the boat pulls forward you are lifted into the sky. It's an incredible feeling. You raise up into the air so gradually that it hardly feels like you are moving at all. In fact . . .  by the time I had reached the top it didn't feel like I was that high up, so I was really surprised when I saw the pictures!

Speaking of pictures . . . here are a few. :)

Those harnesses aren't particularly flattering, but I'm still pleased with those pics. Who's bad?!! Haha!

This last picture was taken while they are performing a dip. It's where they slow the boat way down so you dip into the water like that, then they hurry and gun it -- shooting you back into the sky. It's awesome. At first it doesn't feel like you are moving very fast, but as you get about 20 yards or so from the water, you realize it's approaching pretty quickly. Like I said . . . It's AWESOME! :)

From the top I could see EVERYTHING. I could see the whole island, which was cool, but the coolest view was the dolphins that were cruising around just below the surface of the water. I wish I had my camera with me. Not that it could have captured the view. It was incredible.

The best part is . . . now that I've been once, I can return anytime and go for half price! Hell yessss! :)

Z wants to go sky diving together next. Ummm . . .  haha. I'm determined to get there, but I think I'll convince him to start with bungee jumping. You know . . . work my way up to it. Mark my words, though . . . someday I WILL sky dive. And it will most likely be with that boy. I hope.

You guys should hear his sky diving story. It's crazy! Maybe I can get him to give me permission to tell it to you. It's pretty interesting.

Anyway, that was my experience with para sailiing. After that we went out to eat and I stuffed myself to the point of being sick. Ugh.

Oh, I did another drawing. I'm going to post pictures of the way it progressed. (I like doing that.) This was my first attempt at drawing dolphins. I actually really had a good time doing them. :)

It started with this guy . . .

But he needed friends, so I sketch those in . . .

Then I start filling in his friends. :)

Then it's time to put them under water . . .

And this is the final outcome. :)

So these are the three drawings I've done while here . . .

I'm pretty sure I consumed more calories today that I have in the past two weeks. I feel the need to practice a little yoga and then take a nap before it's time to talk to my sweet boy.

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