Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Vaca goes on . . .

My walk on the beach this morning was A.Maz.Ing. Even though I was up until well after 1 a.m. chatting away with my adorable boy, I still managed to roll out of bed at 6. Normally I wake up at 6 and wait to get out of bed until the sun comes up at around 6:30, but I knew if I did that this morning, I wouldn't get out of bed, so I got up right away and headed to the beach before the sun was all the way up. At that point, it was just starting to kiss the horizon. Here's a picture so you can see just how dark it still was when I left.

Anyway, I got down to the beach, and MUCH to my delight, the tide was out. Waaay out.

This is awesome because, see all that soft sand right there? It's PERFECT to go for a barefoot-run on! I ended up running two miles down the beach and about a mile back again. Then I walked the rest of the way so that I could look for shells and such. Since I had the beach to myself at this point, I felt completely free to run full speed for as long as I could (unfortunately not that long --only about to the third building up there, haha) without feeling like a complete loser when my stamina finally gives out. I'm so happy that I forced myself to get up and go.

I found quite a few interesting/fun creatures today since the tide was so far out. Here are just a couple of pictures.

Ugh. I just need to take a second and complain about the fact that I have the world UGLIEST hands. Seriously, they are TINY, but so . . . meaty . . . at the same time. It's horrible! Ignore that fact. Anyway -- that last picture is really cool. It's hard to see exactly what's going on because the party is taking place under water, but it's basically a giant clam with a tiny starfish clinging to him surrounded by other shell-fish and sea-stuff. Haha.

I took a video of a certain kind of starfish that I'm seriously debating on whether or not to share on here because of how badly I hate my hands . . . Ugh. I guess I'll just share it and then I can share a picture of my abs because I've been working hard on them and they're looking gooood. lol.

Those little starfish creep me out!

So . . . anyway. I reallllly want to make out with my boy. Last night he frustrated me to the point of just wanting to mak all over his face (but in a good way) (but not in an inappropriate way) . . . and that hasn't changed yet. A friend of mine commented, "Well . . . you're in FLORIDA during SPRING BREAK! Why don't you just go find a guy and mak on him?" To which I answered "because . . . I want to make out with MY boy . . . HEEEELLLLO!" Besides, my new boy is the cutest . . . Ever!

Alright -- I'm going to go do a little reading by the pool. I wish this wind would die down so that I could go para sailing. Ugh. Oh! I almost forgot! Here is a picture of my abs (compliments of Jillian Michaels). It's not the best quality (my cellphone is NOT good at taking pictures in low light) but you can still see. :) And, honestly, that's the most vivid picture I care to post in a public place. Take it for what it is. ;)

Oh, and I'll leave you with a picture of the shells I found today. :)

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