Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I'm down to one week . . . :(

My hair has been growing like a weed since coming here. Seriously. Just before leaving Idaho I trimmed two inches off of it so it was about two inches above my tailbone. Now it's exactly one inch below it. And that's in 3 WEEKS time! I NEARLY sit on it (when I wear it down - which I have only done once since I got here, haha). Of course, I've been using some cheapo shampoo/conditioner brand for a month, too . . . so I'm going to have to cut at least three inches off when I get home again.

Well . . . I did it. I set an appointment to go para sailing. I go tomorrow morning at 10 a.m.. Not gonna lie . . . I'm pretty stoked. My bestie keeps telling me that I shouldn't do it so that I don't die. Haha. I keep assuring her it's not THAT dangerous. In fact, there have only been two deaths here from para sailing in the past ten years, and they were simultaneous. A mother and a daughter were up there together when I gust of wind took them down again. Hard. They didn't make it.

Anyway, para sailing is going to cost me $75 and that includes "a higher ride" and "two dips". Dips?! I looked into it. It's where they slow the boat way down so you drop down and dip your toes into the water, then they take off real fast again and shoot you back up into the sky. Eeeeeh! I'm pretty excited! :)

Yesterday was a decent day. I'm getting used to sleep deprivation, so it's getting easier to function despite it. Haha. Although, today I was actually able to sleep in until 8! Which is pretty incredible for me. I can never seem to sleep in past 6 . . . 7 at the very latest. NOOOO idea why that is. But honestly, I like it. I'm more of a morning person. :)

Well . . . it's 9 a.m. and I have yet to make an appearance. I suppose I'll grab a workout video and go that route today. I'm afraid I may lack the motivation to really push myself using my own devices.

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